Public Consultation: Shannon River Basin District - Trout Regulations

Public Consultation

Shannon River Basin District  - Trout Regulations

Inland Fisheries Ireland is seeking submissions from interested parties to update and amend existing Trout Byelaws currently in operation in the Shannon River Basin District.
It is noted that the existing byelaws in the Shannon catchment are for certain waters ambiguous and for other waters outdated. Inland Fisheries Ireland intends requesting the Minister to replace the existing byelaws with more updated regulations that will better enable the management of these waters in a sustainable manner. 
The key byelaws to be replaced or restated and amended are as follows:  

  • Byelaw 787, 2003 – Lough Ree
  • Byelaw 790, 2003 – Lough Sheelin
  • Byelaw 817, 2007 – River Shannon, No.8 District

The area’s being considered for review are:

  • To set the bag limit for wild brown trout on Loughs Owel, Ree, Derg and Sheelin to 3 fish per angler per day.
  • To set the close season for Lough Owel, Ennell, Derravaragh and Ree to the 1st October – the last day of February inclusive.
  • To set the close season for Lough Derg to the 1st October – the 16th March inclusive.
  • To amend the minimum size limits or introduce a bracket size of fish that can be taken by anglers on Loughs Owel, Ennell, Ree, Derg and Sheelin.
  • Other amendments as required in line with best practice and following the submissions received.

Download the existing byelaws

Inland Fisheries Ireland may, as part of the process, arrange a public consultation meeting if deemed necessary, but all submissions must be received in writing and will be published on the Inland Fisheries Ireland website at

Submissions to be sent by post to the

Inland Fisheries Ireland,
Ashbourne Business Park,
Dock Road, Limerick 

or alternatively by email to:

Closing date for receipt of submissions is at 5pm on 17th April 2015.