Energy use of our transport
How we are moving towards a greener fleet.
Changing the way we procure and use our vehicles
Approximately 70% of Inland Fisheries Ireland's total energy demand has traditionally come from our fleet. That is why we have taken a series of actions to ensure better energy management for all our vehicles. This includes ensuring that energy efficiency criteria are a priority when replacing them to deliver significant financial savings and contribute to the reduction of our CO2 emissions.
As a result, we were proud to be recognised as a public sector leader in the area of fleet decarbonisation in Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2019.
The majority of our staff comprise our "mobile workforce" travelling daily to carry out their statutory functions. Many of our sites are outside urban areas where public transport options are limited. To address this and other transport concerns, we undertake transport specific energy audits as part of our wider energy management planning process.
We also undertake vehicle life span cost analysis as part of our requirements to produce an annual Energy Management Plan to ensure that appropriate vehicles are matched to each task.
The findings of these and other analyses inform our procurement of new vehicles. Because ours is a public sector service fleet that travels more than 5,000 km every year, we have installed a telematics (tracking) system to all vehicles to help optimise journey routes and eliminate unnecessary transport activity.
Efficient driving behaviour has been shown to improve transport fuel efficiency by up to 10%. That is why we now provide "Eco-driving" training for our employees and have driver management processes in place. Other innovative measures to improve efficiency in, and reduce emissions from, our fleet have been identified and primarily implemented by accelerating the introduction of more energy-efficient and alternatively fueled vehicles.
We are also seeking to influence better energy usage by developing Workplace Travel Plans (WTPs) with support from staff. A WTP is a package of measures aimed at supporting sustainable travel for work-related journeys. It comprises actions to promote walking, cycling, public transport, car-sharing, modal shift, the use of technology instead of travel, and flexible working practices.
It has been recommended by DCCAE (Public Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy) that all public sector organisations develop a WTP and establish a review mechanism. The emphasis in WTPs on physical exercise is a good example of how energy efficiency could link with government objectives to improve public health and wellbeing, such as the Healthy Ireland Initiative.
Our electric vehicles and charging network
Our EV fleet component is growing and forms a critical component in achieving our energy reductions. Although the initial cost of EVs is high, the savings on future running costs are substantial. We now have 13 EVs and 10 e-bikes with plans to significantly expand our electric fleet in the coming year.
We recognise the importance of the EV charging network in the successful deployment of an electronic fleet. To help accelerate the decarbonistion of our fleet, we have embarked on a charging network programme where EV chargers are being installed at strategic locations to support our EV rollout nationally. To date, we have installed EV chargers at five locations across Ireland.

Our electric vehicles
We are rapidly decarbonising our entire transport fleet. To date, we have already invested in 13 electric vehicles (EVs) and 10 e-bikes with significant expansion planned for the coming year.