
Inland Fisheries Ireland is the Agency that has the statutory responsibility for the protection, development, and management of Ireland’s 74,000 km of rivers and streams together with 128,000 lake hectares. A coastal 12-mile jurisdictional limit is also included. 

Officers on patrol

Enforcement case studies

Inland Fisheries Ireland enforces bye-laws and regulations to protect, manage and conserve Ireland's inland fisheries and sea angling resources.
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To protect our angling environment, Inland Fisheries Ireland is empowered to enforce the Fisheries Acts 1959 to 2010 and Water Pollution Acts 1977 and 1990.
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Drone Use

Equipment and technology

How Inland Fisheries Ireland detects and monitors activity in Ireland's fisheries and our sea angling boundary to protect their aquatic environment.
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Eel Trap and Transport

Eel trap and transport

How Inland Fisheries Ireland helps to move eels safely around the barriers found on some of Ireland's rivers so they can reach the sea.

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Fish Counter on the Maigue

Managing fish counters

How we measure stock data for Irish rivers to establish if conservation limits are being maintained.
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Environmental protection working, clear river

Environmental Protection

Inland Fisheries Ireland ensures that all work undertaken on watercourses, or affecting aquatic habitats, is environmentally sustainable.

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nets seized in 2023
fish seized in 2023
Rods/Lines Seized in 2023

Regulation and bye laws

Regulation of the inland fisheries sector is essential to enhance and develop the resource. Inland Fisheries Ireland upholds the Acts and Statutory Instruments relating to same. Please find below 2021 regulation and bye laws.

Inland Fisheries Act 2010.pdf
(320.7 KB)
Angling Regulations 2023
(4.82 MB)
Control of Fishing for Salmon Order 2022
(149.58 KB)
Salmon and Sea Trout Draft Nets and Snap Nets Bye-Law 2022
(96.01 KB)