Our Climate Action Mandate
How we are demonstrating leadership and driving change in line with Ireland's Climate Action Plan (2019).
Our Climate Action Mandate
To ensure our mandate delivers significant results, our climate action indicators include the following:
- Collectively target the reduction of CO2eq. by 50% and improve energy efficiency by 50% by 2030 with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
- Adopt measures that will yield carbon abatement at no cost where entire lifetime costs are considered (Solar PV, EV fleet, EV Charging network, Building fabric upgrades, Near Zero approach to property portfolio development etc.)
- Report greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability activities in annual reports.
- Engage and support staff through our green team network to make them part of the solution.
- Build towards carbon pricing and climate criteria in public tenders through a green procurement approach.
- Display an up-to-date Display Energy Certificate in all Inland Fisheries Ireland public buildings.
- Pursue and report on resource efficiency actions across all public facilities, including measures to reduce food waste, promote water conservation, waste segregation, reuse and recycling practices.
- Facilitate employees in adopting lower carbon lifestyles.
- Collaborate with suppliers and service providers in joint decarbonisation initiatives, including working with clients to adopt low carbon approaches.
- Digitalise paper-based processes making them our default approach.
- Implement all measures that reduce our carbon emissions, which have a positive Net Present Value, using the trajectory for carbon price issued by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, including developing a method for planning and reporting on these actions.
- Ensure our policies and practices do not lock us into high carbon pathways.
- Carbon-proof major decisions and programmes on a systematic basis, moving over time to a near-zero carbon investment strategy.
- Cultivate and actively participate in partnerships with enterprise and community groups who have as their goal improvement in use of resources and reduced climate impact.
Net Zero 2050