Thinking global and acting local to protect and enhance biodiversity at Inland Fisheries Ireland's properties.
Helping to lessen the impact of our activities on biodiversity at Inland Fisheries Ireland offices and bases
While our legislative remit has a primary focus on biodiversity (protection, conservation and management of the Ireland’s inland fisheries); our Green Team Network is working continually to reduce the impact of our activities on biodiversity. In particular, the Green Team members have focused on our property portfolio and how we can mitigate biodiversity impacts at our field bases and offices.
Using the All Ireland Pollinator Actions Plan SOPs, wild flowers have been rolled out at a number of our properties with a number of "wild" zones managed for biodiversity established around our properties. A number of areas at our bases have now been planted with native wildflowers including (Yellow rattle, Birds foot trefoil, Greater birds foot trefoil, Meadow vetchling, Marsh woundwort, Common spotted orchid, Poppy's and Ox-eye daisy). Our tree planting initiative is well underway as a component of sustainable habitat works and has resulted in the planting of over 1,200 native saplings in riparian areas in 2020.