customer service

How we can help

Inland Fisheries Ireland is committed to providing a professional, courteous, efficient and mutually respectful service to all our stakeholders and to the communities we serve.

Contact us

We provide our services through eight offices in seven counties.
Contact us

Your Feedback

Is there something about our service you think we can improve? Or would you like to tell us about something we have done well?
Your Feedback

Register a complaint

You can use this online form to register your complaint. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Customer Charter

There may be times when you think we can improve our service, or there may be times you want to tell us about something we have done well.
Customer Charter

Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 provides for a right of access (on request) to any record held by an FOI body.
Freedom of information

Access to information about the environment

The AIE Regulations provide for access to both environmental information held by or for a public authority.
Access to information about the environment

Data subject access request

Individuals have the right under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), subject to certain exemptions, to have access to their personal records that are held by Inland Fisheries Ireland.
Data subject access request

IFI Open Data Portal

You can explore and download GIS data, discovere apps analyze and combine datasets using maps, as well as develop new web and mobile applications.
How Can We Help