Energy use in our buildings
How we are taking action across all of our properies to help respond to, and mitigate, climate change.
Climate action at work in our buildings
Monitoring and reporting energy consumption takes place across all Inland Fisheries Ireland sites. Throughout our property portfolio, the main energy sources are electricity and natural gas. Electricity is used for lighting, power and air conditioning – this accounts for 20% of our total energy demand. Natural gas, LPG, and kerosene are used primarily for heating spaces – these account for 10% of our total energy demand.
To help reduce our energy consumption we have introduced occupancy sensors, intelligent lighting systems and, more recently, high efficiency electric panels and radiators. A high resolution energy monitoring network is also being rolled out on a prioritised basis at our sites that consume the highest amount of energy.
In practical terms, we always seek to exploit the "short pay back" works first (e.g. occupant behavioural change, optimising existing building controls, mechanical and electrical upgrades etc.). Then we consider those projects with longer payback to identify synergies between work packages that will optimise energy efficiency and sustainability.
The greatest opportunity for Inland Fisheries Ireland to reduce lifecycle energy and carbon is at the early design stages of new property or renovation investments. SEAI advises that up to 95% of the lifespan cost is already committed at the end of the design process and that case studies have demonstrated savings available can range up to 50% improvement from a baseline design.
Renewables and energy sustainability
Inland Fisheries Ireland adopts renewable energy solutions in tandem with energy efficiency action where appropriate and feasible. Use of renewable energy is rewarded in the methodology we use (SEAI’s Monitoring and Reporting system) to track the energy performance of our properties. Onsite renewable energy generation already installed at five of our properties is offsetting imported grid electricity, which is further improving our overall energy performance. A holistic approach to our energy saving projects and improved energy performance is underway.
Our renewable energy generation to date (to end of January 2023)
PV Location |
kWh Generated |
City West |
94,813 |
Warehouse |
94,645 |
Brackwansha |
3,713 |
Ballina |
17,192 |
Cong Hatchery |
14,574 |
Tudenham |
12,447 |
Lough Arrow |
4,950 |
Ballyshannon |
3,448 |
Corlismore |
1,803 |
Carrick On Suir Depot |
1,918 |
Bangor Erris |
502 |
Thorn Road |
357 |
A total of 251,953 kWh has been generated to date which equates to 74.1 kg CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) avoided going to the atmosphere.
A selection of our properties where Solar PV has been installed is shown below.
Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Fish Farm in Cong Co. Mayo
Our new 16.5 kWp solar PV (Photo Voltaic) system has been installed at Inland Fisheries Ireland’s fish farm in Cong Co. Mayo.
The system will reduce the farm’s dependency on grid electricity by 13,933 kWh annually.
This project is another step forward for IFI to achieving a 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 (2016-2018 baseline), targets set for both thermal and total emissions, and a total of 50% energy efficiency improvement by 2030 (2009 baseline).

Inland Fisheries Ireland Citywest, Lake Drive

Inland Fisheries Ireland Limerick, Tudenham

Inland Fisheries Ireland Ballina, Ardnaree House

Inland Fisheries Ireland hatchery, Cong

Inland Fisheries Ireland Ballylynch Base Solar PV

Inland Fisheries Ireland Ballyshannon Base Solar PV

Inland Fisheries Ireland Thorn Road Building PV Panels

NewRoss Base Solar PV

We have learned that structured energy management benefits significantly from the availability of near real-time data collation and analysis. As such a number of our properties are now fitted with smart meters allowing for high resolution analysis of energy use, and insightful management of problematic energy patterns and spikes.