Our energy use and reduction targets
How we are reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and improving our energy efficiency.
The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and SEAI Monitoring & Reporting
Our energy reduction targets for 2030 follow those included in the Climate Action Bill: a 51% reduction (7% per annum) in greenhouse gas emissions, and a 50% improvement in energy efficiency based on the average consumption (baseline) for the period 2016 to 2018.
The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and SEAI Monitoring & Reporting
The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan set a target for the public sector to improve its energy efficiency by 33% with a deadline of 2020. The public sector is expected to play an increasingly high profile leadership role in the areas of energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction, not to mention in the broader area of climate action. Inland Fisheries Ireland is fully committed to being one of those leaders.
The SEAI’s Annual Report 2021 on Public Sector Energy Efficiency Performance rated our overall status in terms of energy efficiency as "39.3% better than our 2009 baseline, IFI achieved its target of 33% energy reduction by 2020". However, an accelerated programme of measures – including the modernisation of our fleet and the introduction of findings from energy audits, – is helping us close the remaining gap on reaching (and then exceeding) our 2030 targets.
All public bodies, including Inland Fisheries Ireland, are required to report detailed energy data on an annual basis using the Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland (SEAI) online Monitoring & Reporting (M&R) System. These data were used to track progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency reduction target of 33%. We selected 2009 as the baseline year from which to track overall energy reduction progress and the energy performance indicator [Primary Energy kWh / Full Time Equivalent Employees (FTEs)] to track progress for each reporting year to 2020.
Closing in on our energy reduction targets
The SEAI’s Annual Report 2019 on Public Sector Energy Efficiency Performance rated our overall status in terms of energy efficiency as "29.3% better than our 2009 baseline, but not yet on the path for meeting the 33% energy reduction by 2020 target". However, an accelerated programme of measures – including the modernisation of our fleet and the introduction of findings from energy audits – is helping us close the remaining gap on reaching (and then exceeding) our 2020 energy reduction targets.