Regulation of Lobbying

The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 is designed to provide information for the public on the identity of those communicating with designated public officials on specific policy, legislative matters or prospective decisions. 

Further information about the legislation and additional guidance on the Act is available at

The Act requires each public body to publish a list of designated public officials of the body under Section 6 (4) to:

  1. Allow members of the public identify those persons who are designated public officials and
  2. As a resource for lobbyists filing a return to the Register who may need to source a designated public official’s details

Guidance is provided by The Standards in Public Office Commission in co-operation with the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform and is available at

Designated public officials within Inland Fisheries Ireland are:

Name Job Title Office Contact
Suzanne Campion Acting Chief Executive Officer 01 8842 600
Suzanne Campion Head of Finance and Corporate Services 01 8842 600
Paula Byrne Head of Human Resources 01 8842 600
Barry Fox Head of Operations 01 8842 600
Cathal Gallagher Head of Research 01 8842 600
Ian Carroll Head of ICT 01 8842 600
Ronan Matson Eastern River Basin District Director  01 8842 600
Lynda Connor South Eastern River Basin District Director 052 6180 055
Sean Long South Western River Basin District Director 026 41 222
David McInerney Shannon River Basin District Director 061 300 238
Rachel Cooper Western (Galway) River Basin District Director 091 563 118
Mary Walsh Western (Ballina) River Basin District Director 096 22 788
Milton Matthews North Western River Basin District Director 071 985 1435