This public consultation opens on Wednesday, 25/05/2022 at 9:00am and closes on Wednesday, 06/07/2022 at 5:00pm
Inland Fisheries Ireland proposes to draft a scheme in accordance with Section 11 of the Official Languages Act 2003. The primary objective of the Act is to ensure better
availability and a higher standard of public services through Irish.
Inland Fisheries Ireland now wishes to invite representations in relation to the preparation of the draft scheme from any interested parties. Submissions should be addressed to:
Alternatively, they may be posted to:
Irish Language Scheme Public Consultation, Inland Fisheries Ireland, 3044 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, D24 CK66.
Information in relation to the mandate and role / services
provided to the public by Inland Fisheries Ireland is available
The latest date for receipt of representations is Wednesday, 6th of July 2022.
Kindly note that:
- Everyone who takes part in an IFI consultation will be notified of the final document emerging from the consultation process.
- The names of respondents and their submissions will be published on IFI’s website at the end of each consultation process (i.e. at the time the document arising from the consultation is published). Any further information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘Personal data ‘as defined under Article 4 of GDPR) will be redacted prior to publication on the IFI website.
- IFI is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and therefore has to consider any request made to it under that Act. IFI will provide advice as follows: ‘If you consider that any part of your submission would be subject to any of the statutory exclusions under that Act please so indicate in your submission, specifying under which exemption you believe the content should be excluded’.
All personal data that Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) may use is collected, processed and held in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018