Annacotty Weir: tender process underway to appoint consultants

Public Notice

Inland Fisheries Ireland, which is leading the Annacotty Fish Passage Project as the state agency with responsibility for fish in rivers, such as the Mulkear, has published tender documents on the Government’s eTender’s website. 

The tender process is being undertaken to appoint a consulting firm, to prepare an options report for fish passage improvement works at the Annacotty Weir in Limerick.  

This options report must consider all environmental and engineering circumstances that are present at the site, upstream and downstream of the weir. 

Anyone interested in this tender is advised to register on the eTender’s website, to access all tender documentation including the scoping document and service requirements.  

PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submitting tenders is 5pm on March 14th 2023 and can only be done through the eTender’s website. 

As detailed in the tender documents, the options report is to be based on several environmental and technical surveys, using a recognised decision matrix, together with a stakeholder decision matrix. The appointed consultants will then present a preferred option for fish pass improvement works at Annacotty Weir.  

The consultants will also be required to attend project meetings and public consultation meetings to outline their findings to stakeholders. 

Following the approval of the preferred option, the consultants will then be required to prepare design, calculations, and drawings of the preferred option 

These will be sent to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications and the OPW (Office of Public Works) for licences and approvals.  

The consultants will be required to prepare a planning application of the preferred option for Limerick City and County Council. 

Subject to planning permission being granted, the consultants will be required to prepare construction drawings and tender documents for the hire of a construction company.   

They will also be required to assist Inland Fisheries Ireland in the tender assessment process. 

The consultants will then be required to oversee the construction phase of the preferred option and sign-off on the completed project. 

To download the full tender documents, please register through the Government’s eTender’s website.  


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