Customer Charter

We exist to serve the best interests of the general public and our stakeholders regarding the natural resources we protect. We believe good communication is at the heart of that service, and we encourage your feedback.

Our commitment to customer service

We support and follow the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform's (DPER) Guiding Principles of Quality Customer Service. To best inform stakeholders of the nature and quality of service they can expect from our organisation, we have developed a Customer Charter and Customer Action Plan.

Equality and diversity

We acknowledge the diversity of all our customers and work to ensure that everyone receives the same high quality of service. From 1 May 2013, our administration has been subject to review by the Office of the Ombudsman to ensure that we are maintaining those same high standards of service.

Making a comment, compliment or complaint

We strive to provide the best possible service at all times. However, there may be times when you think we can improve that service. Or, there may be times when you want to tell us about something we have done well.

You can contact any of our staff members or managers, or our Complaints Officer via post, email and phone.


Code of Conduct for Customers

You have an important role to play in assisting IFI in providing its services efficiently: 

  • Provide accurate information relevant to your query;
  • Quote reference numbers, where available, in all correspondence;
  • Familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of schemes before filling out forms and provide all necessary supporting documentation;
  • Provide a daytime telephone number and email address, if available, in all correspondence;
  • If you need to visit IFI regarding a complex matter, please make an appointment in advance – this will ensure the appropriate staff member is available and can prepare for your meeting;
  • Treat staff of IFI with the same courtesy and cooperation you would like to receive; 
  • Accord staff the due respect and freedom to carry out their duties and refrain from intimidating or threatening staff in any manner whatsoever. The following behaviour is not acceptable from any member of the public in any of our facilities, or in the provision of any of our services: 
    • Harassment of staff by use of abusive, racist or threatening language; 
    • Use of violence or threat of violence towards staff members; 
    • Behaviour which is disruptive and interferes with delivering a quality customer service.

Customers are advised that where a staff member feels that he/she is being subjected to such treatment, contact will be terminated. 
