Data Protection Impact Assessment Body Worn Cameras

Published on 13 May 2024
  • Protection
  • Corporate

Privacy Notice for Body Worn Cameras

Published on 13 May 2024
  • Protection
  • Corporate

2023 Annual Report on Protected Disclosures

Published on 3 May 2024
  • Corporate
  • Protected Disclosures

Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Q1 2024

Published on 18 Apr 2024
  • Corporate
  • Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies

2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Published on 3 Apr 2024
  • Corporate
  • Inland Fisheries Ireland Annual Reports

Tuarascáil Bhliantúil agus Ráitis Airgeadais 2022

Published on 3 Apr 2024
  • Corporate
  • Inland Fisheries Ireland Annual Reports

IFI Irish Language Scheme 2022 to 2025

Published on 1 Feb 2024
  • Policy

Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Q4 2023

Published on 18 Jan 2024
  • Corporate
  • Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies

FOI Disclosure Log Q1 - Q4 2023

Published on 13 May 2024
  • Corporate
  • FOI Disclosure Logs

Gender Pay Gap Report December 2023

Published on 21 Dec 2023
  • Corporate

Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies Q3 2023

Published on 12 Oct 2023
  • Corporate
  • Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies

Board Meeting Agenda - 09 -13 September 2023

Published on 21 May 2024
  • Corporate
  • Board Reports

Annual Report 2021

Published on 1 Sep 2023
  • Corporate
  • Inland Fisheries Ireland Annual Reports

Iascaigh Intíre Éireann Tuarascáil Tionscnaimh 2021

Published on 1 Sep 2023
  • Inland Fisheries Ireland Annual Reports

Q1 2023 Purchase Orders over €20K

Published on 1 Sep 2023
  • Corporate
  • Purchase Orders over €20,000

Q2 2023 Purchase Orders over €20K

Published on 1 Sep 2023
  • Corporate
  • Purchase Orders over €20,000

Annual Report IFI under Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 2022

Published on 9 Aug 2023
  • Corporate

Board Meeting Agenda - 07 - 26 July 2023

Published on 21 May 2024
  • Corporate
  • Board Reports

Q2 2023 Prompt Payments Report

Published on 12 Jul 2023
  • Corporate
  • Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies

Quarterly Meetings Report – Q2, 2023

Published on 10 Oct 2023
  • Corporate
  • Board Reports

Sustainable Procurement Policy

Published on 26 Jun 2023
  • Corporate

Board Meeting Agenda - 06-28 June 2023

Published on 10 Oct 2023
  • Corporate
  • Board Reports

Board Meeting Agenda - 05 -31 May 2023

Published on 10 Oct 2023
  • Corporate
  • Board Reports

IFI Public Consultation Policy December 2022

Published on 6 Apr 2023
  • Policy

Board Meeting Agenda - 04-19 April 2023

Published on 10 Oct 2023
  • Corporate
  • Board Reports