Understanding Brown Trout - Upcoming Conference

Public Notice


Understanding Brown Trout - Genes, Ecology and Citizen Science

One day conference hosted by Inland Fisheries Ireland

17th October 2017, Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.


Overview of the project

The wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) displays a remarkable level of variation in its external appearance, behaviour, ecology, biology and many other aspects of its life-history. The realisation that much of this variation has a genetic basis, has led scientists to study the genetic make-up of brown trout in the recognition that there is enormous genetic diversity within and among brown trout populations, which is of great importance for both management and conservation of the species.

In 2014, Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) began a three-year research programme to examine the genetic diversity of brown trout in selected Dublin Rivers, the Moy Catchment, Co. Mayo and the Middle Shannon and Lough Ree catchments. Anglers provided adult trout scale samples from main channels and lakes and Inland Fisheries Ireland staff collected samples from juvenile trout in each catchment. The genetic analysis has now been completed by QUB and the project outputs are providing Inland Fisheries Ireland with valuable information on how genetic diversity is distributed among trout populations within these catchments. The information will assist Inland Fisheries Ireland in making the correct and most cost effective fisheries management and conservation decisions.

The conference aims to present information from this project. Information from other Inland Fisheries Ireland commissioned genetic studies of brown trout, in other catchments across Ireland will also be presented (e.g. Corrib, Sheelin, Ennell, etc.). Speakers will include Professor Paulo Prodohl (QUB), Dr. Martin O’ Grady (retired IFI) and Dr. Karen Delanty (IFI).

A European and North American perspective on the genetics of trout (brown trout and sea trout) will also be included on the day. Experts in the field such as Professor Andy Ferguson (retired QUB) and Dr. Nigel Milner (Bangor University) have confirmed their attendance.  Professor Thomas Quinn from the University of Washington has also confirmed his participation.

The project had a number of objectives, some of which included;

  1. To investigate if there are a number of discrete genetic stocks of brown trout in each of the study catchments.
  2. If discrete genetic stocks are present in each river/lake/catchment, how important is each group to the fishery.

Registration fee will be €50. This will cover attendance, tea/coffee break and a hot lunch.

Further details along with the conference programme and registration details see below

Understanding Brown Trout – Genes, Ecology and Citizen Science

One day conference hosted by Inland Fisheries Ireland

17th October 2017, Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

Overview of the project

The wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) displays a remarkable level of variation in its external appearance, behaviour, ecology, biology and many other aspects of its life-history.  The realisation that much of this variation has a genetic basis, has led scientists to study the genetic make-up of brown trout in the recognition that there is enormous genetic diversity within and among brown trout populations, which is of great importance for both management and conservation of the species.

In 2014, Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) began a three-year research programme to examine the genetic diversity of brown trout in selected Dublin Rivers, the Moy Catchment, Co. Mayo and the Middle Shannon and Lough Ree catchments.  Anglers provided adult trout scale samples from main channels and lakes and Inland Fisheries Ireland staff collected samples from juvenile trout in each catchment.  The genetic analysis has now been completed by QUB and the project outputs are providing IFI with valuable information on how genetic diversity is distributed among trout populations within these catchments.  The information will assist IFI in making the correct and most cost effective fisheries management and conservation decisions.

The conference aims to present information from this project.  Information from other IFI commissioned genetic studies of brown trout, in other catchments across Ireland will also be presented (e.g. Corrib, Sheelin, Ennell, etc.).  Speakers will include Professor Paulo Prodohl (QUB), Dr. Martin O’ Grady (retired IFI) and Dr. Karen Delanty (IFI).

A European and North american perspective on the genetics of trout (brown trout and sea trout) will also be included on the day.  Experts in the field such as Professor Andy Ferguson (retired QUB) and Dr. Nigel Milner (Bangor University) have confirmed their attendance. Professor Thomas Quinn from the University of Washington has also confirmed his participation. 

The project had a number of objectives some of which included;

  1. To investigate if there are a number of discrete genetic stocks of brown trout in each of the study catchments.
  2. If discrete genetic stocks are present in each river/lake/catchment, how important is each group to the fishery.

Conference Programme and Presentations

8.30am  Registration
9:30 – 9:45  Welcome Address

Session Chair Dr. Cathal Gallagher

9:45 – 10:30 

Andy Ferguson (KEYNOTE): Brown trout: genetic diversity and its implications for management and conservation

Download: Brown trout: genetic diversity and its implications for management and conservation

10:30 – 10.55

Paulo Prodöhl: Population structure and genetic stock identification of brown trout (S. trutta) from Mid Shannon system (Lough Ree and Lough Sheelin).

Download:  Population structure and genetic stock Sheelin Ree

10.55 – 11.15

Jamie Magee: Population structure and genetic stock identification of brown trout (S. trutta) from Lough Derg (Shannon system).

Download:   pdfPopulation Structure and Genetic Stock Derg (939 KB)

11:15 – 11:40 Tea/Coffee break
11:40 – 12.05

Rosaleen Hynes: Population structure and genetic stock identification of brown trout (S. trutta) inhabiting three urban rivers in the Dublin area.

Download:   pdfPopulation Structure and Genetic Stock Dublin rivers (718 KB)

12.05 – 12:30

Caroline Bradley: Population structure and genetic stock identification of sea trout and lake-river migratory trout (S. trutta) from the Moy Catchment.

Download:   pdfPopulation structure and Genetic Stock Moy (840 KB)

12:30 – 12:55

Paulo Prodöhl: Population structure and genetic stock identification of brown trout (S. trutta) from Lough Corrib and Lough Ramor.

Download:   pdfPopulation Structure and Genetic Stock Corrib Ramor (703 KB)

12:55 – 14:00



Session Chair Prof. Andy Ferguson

14:00 – 14:45 

Thomas Quinn (KEYNOTE): Conservation and management of trout in North America

Download:   pdfTrout conservation and management in North America (2.17 MB)

14:45 – 15:15

Karen Delanty: A layman’s guide.

Download:   pdfBrown Trout Genetics A laymans guide (4.30 MB)

15:15 – 16:00 

Nigel Milner (KEYNOTE): Working with Anglers for Sea Trout (Celtic Sea trout Project).

Download:   pdfWorking With Anglers For Sea Trout (3.97 MB)

16:00 – 16:20 

Karen Delanty & Paulo Prodöhl: Understanding Brown Trout - Genes, Ecology and Citizen Science:  Overview and General discussion. 

Download:   pdfUnderstanding Brown Trout – genes, ecology and Citizen Science (381 KB)

16:20 – 16:30 Q & A




Poster Display

A small number of display boards will be available to organisations who wish to display information/poster in relation to similar types of projects they are involved in. This will be strictly on a first come bases. 


Main Contributors to the project

Image removed.Image removed.

Inland Fisheries Ireland wish to acknowledge and thank the following contributors to the project, both for financial support and/or in the collection of sample material.

Dublin Rivers Projects

Ballymore Eustace Trout & Salmon Anglers Association Clane Trout and Salmon Anglers Association
Dodder Anglers Association Dublin City Council
Dublin Trout Anglers Kilbride Anglers Association
Intel Leixlip and District Anglers  Association
North Kildare Trout & Salmon Anglers Association Mr. Peter Brown
Tolka Trout Anglers Association


Mid Shannon Project (Lough Ree Catchment)

Ballykeeran/Kileenmore Anglers Ballinlough and District Anglers
Camlin Anglers  Castlecoote Anglers
Coosan Anglers Lough Derravaragh Trout Protection Association
Lough Ennell Trout Preservation Association Lough Glore Angling Club
Lough O’Flynn & District Anglers Lough Owel Trout Preservation Association
Lough Ree Angling Federation  Lough Sheelin Trout Preservation Association
Suck Valley Angling Hub Athlone Anglers Association

Moy Catchment Project

Lough Conn and Cullin Anglers Association Mr. Judd Ruane

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