Tagging Scheme Regulations
Mr. Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, gives statutory notice of his intention to make the Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2022, to provide for the management of the wild salmon and sea trout fishery by Inland Fisheries Ireland from 1st January 2023.
A copy of the draft regulations is open for public inspection at the offices of the Department in Cavan.
It is also available to download from the Department's website here
Anyone wishing to submit observations on, or objections to, the draft regulations can do so by email to IFDPublicConsultations@decc.gov.ie or post to:
Inland Fisheries Division
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Elm House
Earlsvale Road
Cavan Town
H12 A8H7
The closing date for submissions to the Department is 5.30pm on 9th December 2022.
Late submissions will not be considered by the Department and all valid submissions received will be published on the Gov.ie website.