New pike research published

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New pike research pulished

New pike research published

Inland Fisheries Ireland has just published 3 research reports on pike in Irish waters. The research was carried out as part of a wider PhD research project conceived by Inland Fisheries Ireland and University College Dublin. The overall aim of the project is to update and inform managers as to the biology and ecology of pike (Esox lucius L.) in Ireland, a historically understudied species in the Irish context.

The field work and sampling for this project was carried out opportunistically in collaboration with Inland Fisheries Ireland, and through attendance at many pike angling competitions. The authors would like to thank the many pike anglers that contributed to the study and allowed D. Pedreschi to sample their catch. This study has been generously funded by Inland Fisheries Ireland, with contributions from the Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs.

  • The Diet of Pike in Irish Watercourses
    The main aims of this investigation were to elucidate the variation in the diet of Irish pike between river, lake and canal habitats. Furthermore we aimed to quantify niche size and dietary specialisation and attempt to identify the timing of the switch to a piscivorous diet..
  • Ecomorphology of Pike in Irish Freshwaters
    This report deals with the morphology and condition of pike in Ireland.
  • Genetic Structure of Pike and their History in Ireland
    The main aim of this project was to investigate the genetic variation of Irish pike populations and their relationship with European groups, in an attempt to identify where they came from, as it is largely assumed to have been introduced by humans over the past few hundred years.

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