New guidelines for anglers – Roadmap for returning to the water

Public Notice

New guidelines for anglers – Roadmap for returning to the water

Inland Fisheries Ireland offers the following information to anglers as a guideline only. Government advice to stop the spread of coronavirus is STAY AT HOME.

General Guidance for everyone

  • Follow Government protocols and public health guidelines.
  • STAY LOCAL within a 5km radius of your home (Phase 1).
  • Exercise with members of your household or a maximum of 3 people from outside your household if you can maintain physical distancing.
  • Observe physical distancing by keeping at least 2 metres apart.
  • Park legally and responsibly if driving to outdoor amenities.
  • Respect our emergency services and avoid activities that could potentially lead to emergency call outs.
  • Respect the environment, animals & wildlife and dispose of waste properly.
  • Travel separately and visit outdoor areas at off peak times if possible.

It should be noted, any change to the over-arching ‘Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business’ may result in an amendment(s) to this table. Anglers must follow up-to-date Government advice at all times.

We strongly advise the suspension of all angling competitions until further notice.

To stay safe and keep fishing, stick to protocol, strictly no contact with other anglers and always practice good:

Hand Hygiene   Cough Etiquette   Physical Distancing 2m   Equipment Disinfecting (not sharing)   STAY home if you have symptoms


Phase 1

  18th May
  Within 5km
Bank Anglers  Trout
Boat Anglers  Game
  • Up to 5km from your home.
  • With max. 2 persons in a boat unless from same household.
  • Maintain physical distancing
    at slipways and access points.
Sea Anglers Shore 

Phase 2

  8th June
  Within 20km
Bank Anglers  Trout
  • Up to 20km from your home.
  • In small groups with physical distancing.
Boat Anglers  Game
  • Up to 20km from your home.
  • In small groups with physical distancing.
  • Maintain physical distancing
    at slipways and access points.
Sea Anglers Shore 
  • Up to 20km from your home.
  • Avoid busy piers or where physical distancing is difficult.

Phase 3

  29th June
  Within 20km
Bank Anglers  Trout
  • Up to 20km from your home.
  • In small groups with physical distancing.
Boat Anglers  Game
  • Up to 20km from your home.
  • In small groups with physical distancing.
  • Maintain physical distancing
    at slipways and access points.
Sea Anglers Shore 
  • Up to 20km from your home.
  • Avoid busy piers or where physical distancing is difficult.

Phase 4

  20th July
  Outside your region
Bank Anglers  Trout
  • Can travel with no restrictions.
  • In groups with physical distancing.
Boat Anglers  Game
  • Can travel with no restrictions.
  • In groups with physical distancing.
  • Maintain physical distancing
    at slipways and access points.
Sea Anglers Shore 
  • Can travel with no restrictions.
  • In groups with physical distancing.

Phase 5

  10th August
  Outside your region
Bank Anglers  Trout
  • Can travel with no restrictions.
  • In groups with physical distancing
Boat Anglers  Game
  • Can travel with no restrictions.
  • In groups with physical distancing.
  • Maintain physical distancing
    at slipways and access points.
Sea Anglers Shore 
  • Can travel with no restrictions.
  • In groups with physical distancing.

Business Owners can determine when your business may reopen in accordance with the Government’s  ‘Roadmap to Reopening Society and Business’ . The Roadmap gives a list of essential businesses which can reopen in phase 1 (the current phase) and an outline of other businesses which can reopen in subsequent phases.  During phase 1, only essential businesses may reopen.
Once you have determined the phase under which you can reopen your business, please ensure you  adhere to the ‘Return to Work Safely Protocol’

Guides and Ghililes

Angling guides and ghillies should to refer to Government’s  ‘Roadmap to Reopening Society and Business’ to determine when they may open. Businesses should  ensure that they are able to offer the level of service and experience their clients would expect under current COVID-19 restrictions. For those who decide to offer services we would advise the following, as a guideline only, to help you plan for a safe operation of business.

  • Guides, ghillies and instructors must not make physical contact with clients and maintain physical distancing guidance at all times.
  • A dummy rod or set up must be used to explain techniques from a safe distance, no direct contact with client or equipment.
  • No sharing of cars, equipment or physical contact of any sort.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the same person throughout the day ties all knots, lands all fish and handles their own equipment only.
  • Weighing and/or photographing of fish should be carried out within physical distancing guidelines.
  • All payments should be made electronically where possible.

Charter Boats

Charter boat owners should refer to to Government’s  ‘Roadmap to Reopening Society and Business’ to determine when they may operate. Charter boat operators should ensure  that they are able to operate safely under current Covid-19 restrictions. They should refer in the first instance to any guidance on passenger vessels from the Department of Transport. For those who decide to offer services we would advise the following, as a guideline only, to help you plan for safe operation of business.

  • Limit number of passengers to allow for physical distancing
  • No passengers allowed in wheelhouse/cabin
  • Hand sanitiser should be provided, and passengers encouraged to use it.
  • No sharing of rods or equipment
  • Hire rods should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after use
  • All payments should be made electronically where possible

New guidelines for anglers – Roadmap for returning to the water

Download a PDF:  New guidelines for anglers – Roadmap for returning to the water

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