Inland Fisheries Ireland to host briefing for stakeholders on new pike research
Inland Fisheries Ireland to host briefing for stakeholders on new pike research
What: Inland Fisheries Ireland Briefing for stakeholders on new report ‘Pike (Esox Lucius) in Ireland. Developing knowledge and tools to support policy and management’
When: 10.30am - 11.30am, Friday, 31st of August 2018
Where: The Newcastle Suite, 2nd Floor, Leisure Centre, Citywest Hotel, Naas Road, Saggart, Co. Dublin.
Inland Fisheries Ireland will host a briefing for stakeholders on a new report which is due to be published tomorrow (Wednesday 29th August). The report, entitled ‘Pike (Esox Lucius) in Ireland. Developing knowledge and tools to support policy and management’, follows extensive research carried out in Lough Conn, County Mayo and Lough Derravaragh, County Westmeath in 2016.
Inland Fisheries Ireland would like to invite two representatives from each angling federation/representative group to attend. The briefing will take place at 10.30am on Friday, 31st of August in the Newcastle Suite, Citywest Hotel.
Due to the short notice and to ensure adequate space, groups are requested to confirm name of attendees by 5pm Thursday, 30th of August to the email address below.