Five new inland fisheries regulations signed by Minister

Public Notice

The Minister at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Mr Eamon Ryan, T.D., has made the following Order and Bye-laws:

1. Control of Fishing for Salmon (Amendment) Order S.I. No. 81 of 2024.

This Order authorises the issue of commercial fishing licences by Inland Fisheries Ireland
and sets out the criteria under which those licences may be issued and prescribes the
maximum number of commercial licences which may be issued.

Control of Fishing for Salmon (Amendment) Order S.I. No. 81 of 2024.

2. Galway District Conservation of Trout in the Rivers Clare, Abbert, Dalgan, Grange, and Sinking Bye-Law No. 1008, 2024.

This Bye-law provides for the following trout conservation measures in the rivers
specified in the bye-law:

  • Provides for a daily bag limit of 2 trout in the specified rivers of which not more
    than 1 trout is greater than 10 lbs (4.54 kgs),
  • Prohibits the taking or having in possession of trout less than 13 inches (33 cm),
  • Prohibits the use of more than 1 rod or 4 artificial flies when fly fishing,
  • Prohibits the use of more than 1 rod when dapping,
  • Prohibits the use of more than 2 rods or 4 artificial flies per rod when trolling,
  • Prohibits the use of more than 2 rods when bait fishing or spinning,
  • Prohibits the having on board a boat more than 3 rods when more than 1 person
    is bait fishing, spinning, or trolling.

Galway District Conservation of Trout in the Rivers Clare, Abbert, Dalgan, Grange, and Sinking Bye-Law No. 1008, 2024

3. No. 5 or Cork Fisheries District, Lower River Lee, (Sea Trout and Brown Trout) Angling Bye-Law No. 1009, 2024.

This Bye-law extends the annual close season for angling for sea trout and for brown trout from 14th October to 1st October each year in the waters of the river Lee and its tributaries downstream of the hydro-electric dam at Inniscarra. The close season for angling for sea trout in said waters will commence on 1st October each year and end on 31st January in the following year, both dates inclusive and the close season for angling for brown trout in said waters will commence on 1st October each year and end on 14th February in the following year, both dates inclusive.

No. 5 or Cork Fisheries District, Lower River Lee, (Sea Trout and Brown Trout) Angling Bye-Law No. 1009, 2024

4. Conservation of Salmon and Sea Trout (Draft Nets and Snap Nets) Bye-law No. 1010, 2024.

This Bye-Law sets out the opening and closing dates (and hours) for the draft net and snap net salmon and sea trout commercial fishing season 2024 and prohibits draft net and snap net fishing for salmon and sea trout in all fishery districts except those mentioned in the Schedule to the Bye-law.

Conservation of Salmon and Sea Trout (Draft Nets and Snap Nets) Bye-law No. 1010, 2024

5. Conservation of Eel Fishing Bye-Law No. C.S. 335, 2024.

This Bye-law prohibits the taking, or attempting to take, fishing for or attempting to fish for, aiding or assisting the taking of or fishing for, eel in any fishery district in the State. It also prohibits being in possession of, selling or offering for sale or reward, or purchasing eel caught or taken by any means in any fishery district in the State.

Conservation of Eel Fishing Bye-Law No. C.S. 335, 2024


Section 57 (7) of the Inland Fisheries Act, 2010 provides that any person aggrieved by this Bye-law may within 28 days after its publication in the Iris Oifigiúil, appeal against same to the High Court.