Bandon Flood Relief Scheme - 2019

Public Notice

Notice regarding Bandon Flood Relief Scheme – 2019

Inland Fisheries Ireland has been in contact with ByrneLooby, representatives for the OPW for the Scheme, regarding the delay in recommencing in-stream works at Bandon as scheduled. Several fishery-critical works are outstanding including the remediation of fisheries features throughout the length of the dredged channel, the reconnection works at the Bridewell / Bandon River confluence and at the re-facing of the Weir to the designed finish.

Inland Fisheries Ireland is advised that ‘The remaining in-river works including the outstanding works on Bandon Bridge are due to be completed by the contractor during this year’s river season from May to September and the contractor’s current programme provides for the completion of these works in that timeframe’.



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