Tuna CHART 2025 FAQ Guide
Tuna CHART (CatcH And Release Tagging) is a bluefin tuna scientific catch and release fishery. In 2025, a maximum of 25 authorised sea angling charter skippers will be permitted to catch, tag and release Atlantic bluefin tuna in Irish waters as part of the Tuna CHART programme.
No. It is still illegal to target bluefin tuna in Ireland outside of the authorisation. The angling fishery will be strictly controlled and both the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority and Inland Fisheries Ireland will undertake inspections and patrols around the coast.
Skippers and vessels not authorised to take part in the Tuna CHART programme are not permitted to target or catch bluefin tuna, and any unauthorised person found to be targeting bluefin tuna is liable to prosecution.
This is a highly regulated programme with a maximum of 25 authorisations granted to experienced charter skippers.
Charter boat skippers with relevant experience are invited to submit an expression of interest. Assessment criteria will include:
- Willingness to operate under specific authorisation controls
- Charter fishing experience
- Previous experience in undertaking tagging, data collection and reporting data
- Experience in sea angling for large pelagic fish
A training course will be provided as part of the authorisation, and successful skippers' boats and gear will be inspected by IFI fisheries officers in advance of the opening of the fishery. Authorisations will not be issued without full compliance.
Only sea angling charter skippers with relevant experience can apply for authorisation. Anglers may participate in the fishery by booking a trip on a sea angling charter vessel with an authorised skipper.
Yes; however, if you are one of the 25 skippers approved for authorisation, you must commit to having suitably rated angling gear available on your vessel before 1st July 2025 in advance of authorisation being issued.
A minimum of two people must make up a tagging team. One person must have attended the training session (skipper or member of the crew); one person in the tagging team can be an angler. The authorised skipper must be on-board during every bluefin tuna angling trip.
All authorised skippers must attend a mandatory training session, either in person or online, where guidance will be provided around fish handling, welfare, tagging and recording.
Only skippers who have attended the training will receive their authorisations. One crew member per vessel may also attend the training session but crew member attendance is not mandatory.
The primary goal of the authorisation is to enable the skipper and his/her crew member to quickly tag, record and release Atlantic bluefin tuna caught by anglers on his/her boat. The skipper will ensure that anglers bring each bluefin tuna alongside the boat as quickly as possible, undertake the tagging and manage the release of the tagged fish in the best possible condition.
Bluefin tuna data collection from Irish coastal waters is the main requirement of the programme. Tuna must be brought alongside the boat quickly for tagging to ensure healthy fish are released. Skippers and crew will follow the required handling and tagging methods closely. Detailed data collection is required for each angling trip targeting bluefin tuna and for each bluefin tuna encountered or missed.
Skippers will be responsible for recording and submitting detailed data for each trip (including blank days). Participating anglers will also be asked to take part in a socio-economic survey.
Skippers who have been successful in the application process in 2025 will need to have the following gear on-board for inspection in June 2025 in order to receive their authorisation.
Item | Requirement | Advisory |
Swivel rod holders | Min. of 2 required | Either flush mounted or externally mounted |
Rods (bent butt) | Min. of 2 required | 80 - 130 lb unlimited class required. Bent butt rods required to facilitate playing fish in swivel rod holder |
Reels | Min. of 2 required | 80 - 130 lb unlimited class required. Wide reels and two speed preferable |
Additional information on hooks, links and line requirements will also be provided to successful applicants.
The authorisation for a maximum of 25 vessels to participate in Tuna CHART will be valid from 1st July until 12th November 2025.
Inland Fisheries Ireland and the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority will undertake inspections and patrols around the coast. Any unauthorised skippers found targeting bluefin tuna are liable to be prosecuted and any authorised people acting outside the conditions of the authorisation or the Fisheries Acts will also have the authorisation revoked and be subject to legal action.
Every bluefin tuna angling trip will be closely monitored; authorised skippers will be required to install a vessel monitoring system before the start of the season and observers will be on board regularly.
- Completed applications must be received before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 26th February 2025.
- Notifications regarding success or otherwise of applications will be sent out on or before the 20th March 2025.
- The training course is planned for June 2025.
- Angling for Atlantic bluefin tuna by authorised skippers will be permitted from 1st July to 12th November 2025.
Applicants who have made online submissions will receive an automatic confirmation email. If the email is not received, please resubmit your application or contact infobluefin@fisheriesireland.ie.
Please note the maximum size per uploaded photo or attachment is 64MB.
The safety equipment as required in the vessel license should be on board, serviced and functioning correctly.
No, the authorisation will not supersede any existing license conditions.
No, there is no financial reward for successful authorisation holders; however, authorisation holders will be permitted to take paying anglers on bluefin tuna angling trips.
There is no fee for the authorisation but a fee of circa €50 per month will be required as a subscription to the vessel monitoring system. Additionally, swivel rod holders and a minimum rating of gear will be required to be installed and on-board by mid-May.
Yes, the designated area for an authorisation holder will be dependent upon the port they depart from. Authorised persons will be permitted to target tuna within the ICES division they are based in and neighbouring coastal ICES divisions.
There is no minimum number of days at sea stipulated in the authorisation; however, if authorised skippers do not undertake at least four days of bluefin tuna angling during 2025, it may impact on their applications in the future.
Please submit your application by completing the Online Application Form.
Fully completed applications should be received before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 26th February 2025.
Online applications are preferred, but if necessary paper applications using this form can be sent to:
Tuna CHART, Inland Fisheries Ireland, 3044 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, D24 CK66.
The application window to become an authorised Tuna CHART skipper in 2025 is now closed.
Applicants will be informed of their success or otherwise on or before the 20th of March 2025.