Victory in coarse fish poaching cases in Virginia, Co. Cavan
Press Release 25th October 2010
Inland Fisheries Ireland has successfully won two court cases for coarse fishing offences on Lough Ramor in Virginia, Co. Cavan. Two people were convicted at Virginia District Court on 5th October, one was issued a six month jail sentence, the other a fine of €600. Inland Fisheries Ireland was awarded €1,145 in expenses for bringing these cases.
Both cases referred to fisheries offences at Lough Ramor in Virginia. On the 3rd November 2009, Mr. Raimondas Kiliskas and Mr. Remigijus Klimas were apprehended by fisheries officers Philip Duff and Robert Bergin for using set lines for the purpose of taking coarse fish from the lake on an inflatable boat. Live roach were also found on the boat and all equipment was seized as it was in contravention of the coarse fish byelaw of 2006.
Mr. Kiliskas with an address at Hazelhatch, Newcastle, Co. Dublin pleaded was represented by his solicitor and entered a guilty plea. Judge Sean McBride convicted him under the 1959 Fisheries Act and the coarse fish byelaw of 2006. The defendant was fined €600 with three months to pay. Under the coarse fish byelaw a person is allowed to keep four coarse fish less than 25cm, per day. Judge MacBride gave credit to Mr. Kiliskas for owning up and facing the court.
Mr. Remigijus Klimas also with an address at Hazelhatch, Newcastle, Co. Dublin did not appear in court as it was understood he had returned to his native country. Judge Sean MacBride said he had no doubt that this was a commercial venture and imposed a custodial six month sentence on the defendant. He said he was sick and tired of people poaching fish from the rivers and lakes of the country and said these men were involved in commercial activity.
The total costs awarded to Inland Fisheries Ireland in bringing these cases was €1,145. Inland Fisheries Ireland has been instrumental in the introduction of the 2006 coarse fish and pike byelaws and has been proactive in their enforcement with over 50 prosecutions initiated to date within the Eastern River Basin District area. Coarse and pike fishing provides an important recreational amenity to both local and overseas anglers, making a valuable contribution to the local economy.
Media Enquires
Josie Mahon,
Inland Fisheries Ireland,
15A Main Street, Blackrock,
Co. Dublin.
Tel: 01 278 7022 / 087 6538202
Notes to Editor
Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI will promote, support, facilitate and advise the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling and develop and advise the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.
Inland Fisheries Ireland replaces the Central and seven Regional Fisheries Boards.