Poacher is convicted for illegal fishing at Ballyclough Weir on the river Mulkear
17th February 2012
Poacher is convicted for illegal fishing at Ballyclough Weir on the river Mulkear
On 16th February 2012 Mr. Kevin Keogh was successfully prosecuted by Inland Fisheries Ireland at Limerick District Court for illegally fishing at Ballyclough weir on the Mulkear River. Judge O’Brien imposed a fine of €858.
In June 2011, Fisheries Officers were carrying out a routine patrol on the Mulkear River at Ballyclough Weir. Two individuals were actively fishing at the weir which has a bye law dating back to 1850’s stating no angling is permitted within 50 yards of the weir. Both men initially received on the spot fines totalling €300, one of the individuals paid his on the spot fine and the other man Mr Kevin Keogh refused to pay his fine which resulted in court proceedings at Limerick district court. In court Mr Keogh entered a guilty plea and the court ordered Mr Keogh to pay both a fine and expenses totalling €858.
The Mulkear River is one of the two rivers which is open and meet its salmon Conservation Limit in the Shannon River Basin District. The river holds an excellent stock of wild salmon but incidents of this nature are extremely detrimental and will threaten their status.
Ms Amanda Mooney, Director at Inland Fisheries Ireland, Limerick stated today that “Poaching of salmon is unacceptable and these fish are the future to the survival of the species. Wild Atlantic salmon are under severe threat nationally and internationally with numbers declining annually. This case could have been dealt with through IFI’s on the spot fine procedures but the individual chose to go to court where the fine was much greater. This successful outcome reiterates IFI’s commitment to protection of fish, especially during a time of resource constraints.”
Report a pollution or poaching incident to IFI on 1890 FISH 24 or 1890 34 74 24 day or night.
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Media Enquiries
Amanda Mooney, Director
Inland Fisheries Ireland
Ashbourne Business Park
Dock Road
Tel 061-300238
Notes to Editor
Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI will promote, support, facilitate and advise the Minister on, the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling and develop and advise the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.