Press Release

New scientific research on ferox trout in Lough Corrib & Lough Mask highlights the importance of conservation of this valuable trout stock

Media Release

New scientific research on ferox trout in Lough Corrib & Lough Mask highlights the importance of conservation of this valuable trout stock

Tuesday, 17th of November 2020: A new scientific paper entitled ‘The spawning location of vulnerable ferox trout (Salmo trutta L.) in the Lough Corrib and Lough Mask catchments, Western Ireland’ has been published in the Journal of Fish Biology by scientists from Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) in conjunction with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.

Ferox trout are large, long-lived, fish eating trout normally found in deep lakes; they are believed to be genetically distinct from normal brown trout, having evolved after the last Ice Age 12,000 years ago. Ferox are highly prized by trophy anglers and Lough Corrib and Lough Mask have recorded the great majority of Irish specimen ferox trout since angling records began in the 1950’s. Little was known about the spawning location of ferox trout compared to normal brown trout, and a radio tracking study was initiated in both catchments in 2005. Local anglers and IFI staff helped catch large ferox trout on both lakes in order to insert radio tags. The fish were released after tagging and then tracked with help from the Irish Air Corps helicopter unit and by walking spawning streams with a radio tracking antenna to determine in which streams ferox spawned.

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Results from radio tracking showed that the majority (92%) of ferox trout tagged in Lough Corrib spawned in a single spawning stream, the Cong river, while the majority (76%) of ferox trout tagged in Lough Mask spawned in the Cong canal and Cong river. These results indicate that these streams are most likely the principle spawning locations of ferox trout in both lakes.

Dr Paddy Gargan, Senior Research Officer at Inland Fisheries Ireland and lead author on the publication said: “The occurrence of ferox trout predominantly in single spawning rivers in both catchments highlights the vulnerability of the ferox populations with estimates of their population size thought to be small”.

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Dr Cathal Gallagher, Head of Research at Inland Fisheries Ireland welcomed the findings and said: “It was important that conservation measures, based on this research, have been introduced in the Corrib and Mask catchments continue to protect ferox trout. These conservation measures have reduced the number of ferox trout being killed and claimed as specimens and support the conservation of this unique trout”.

The published article can be accessed via this link:

For more information on Inland Fisheries Ireland, visit



Information on the Irish Fish Specimen Committee

  • The Irish Specimen Fish Committee actively facilitates anglers to claim all species via catch and release. For many years ISFC has been trying to disassociate itself from the incorrect assumption that ‘killing the fish’ was necessary to claim for specimen purposes.
  • Anglers do not have to kill a trout or other species to claim it as a specimen. The fish details can be recorded and the fish can be returned alive. Some anglers may retain trout and other species for themselves for ‘trophy’ purposes but the ISFC rules do not require them to be killed.
  • From 2016 to 2019 a total of 12 specimen ferox were claimed (from Loughs Corrib/Mask and the Cong River).  All were released.
  • Anglers themselves are very conservation oriented and acutely aware of the need for conservation.

For more information please see:

For media information:

Sadhbh O’Neill

Communications Assistant

Inland Fisheries Ireland


T: 01 8842632/ 087 101 9998


About Inland Fisheries Ireland

Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Environment, Climate and Communication (DECC) and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. Inland Fisheries Ireland promotes supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling. Inland Fisheries Ireland also develops policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling and advises the Minister on same.