Press Release

Minister Rabbitte visits new Inland Fisheries Ireland Headquarters

Press Release Friday, 4th July 2014

Minister Rabbitte visits new Inland Fisheries Ireland Headquarters

Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D., has today (04.07.14) visited the new Headquarters of Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) at Lake Drive in Citywest.



Lal Faherty, Board Member IFI, Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D. and Dr Ciaran Byrne, CEO IFI


IFI is the State Agency with responsibility for the protection, conservation, management and promotion of Ireland’s inland fisheries and sea angling resources.

Speaking at today’s visit, Ciaran Byrne, CEO of Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) said, “We are delighted to welcome Minister Rabbitte to our new Citywest campus and bring him on a tour of our new office, to meet with staff across all functional areas here including: Research, Business Development and Operations, as well as support divisions of Finance, HR and Logistics. There will be 80 members of staff based in our new Headquarters, located strategically on the west side of Dublin to facilitate easy access to IFI’s other regional offices in Cork, Tipperary, Limerick, Galway, Mayo and Donegal.”

Minister Rabbitte commented on the new Inland Fisheries Ireland premises today, stating, “Accommodation is among the most significant cost components of public sector organisations and in line with Government policy the Board of IFI has undertaken a strategic rationalisation of its Dublin based accommodation.  Following a review of some 100 options the Board has decided that Citywest is the optimal location”.


Library, IFI

Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D. and Dr Ciaran Byrne, CEO, IFI, in Inland Fisheries Ireland's new offices at Citywest


“The major factors in the relocation is the strategic and operational efficiency of Inland Fisheries Ireland as a national body with a strong statutory responsibility serving all parts of the country and the retention and development of invaluable technical, scientific and administrative expertise and experience.”

“Citywest ticks all the boxes as regards accessibility, response capability on a country wide basis, support structures and capacity for widely spread and often remote activities in resource protection, conservation and development.”

The rationalisation and amalgamation of all Dublin property is expected to generate efficiencies and savings over time in relation to lease rents. In addition, the significantly better energy efficiency of the new Headquarters facility in Citywest will also be consistent with Government commitments as regards reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption, will also generate efficiencies.


Suzanne Campion, Head of Business Development, Inland Fisheries Ireland
Email: Website:

Notes to Editor

Photographer Naoise Culhane has issued photos to photodesks this afternoon – if you would like to request an image please contact Sarah Harte, DHR Communications, Tel: 01-4200580 / 087-9858259

About Inland Fisheries Ireland:

Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI aims to promote, support, facilitate and advise the Minister on, the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling and develop and advise the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.