Press Release

Men prosecuted for assaulting and obstructing a Fishery Officer on River Aherlow

Tuesday, 3rd November 2015

Men prosecuted for assaulting and obstructing a Fishery Officer on River Aherlow

At a sitting of Fermoy District Court on 16th October 2015, Judge Brian Sheridan prosecuted three men who had pleaded guilty to a number of offences following an incident that occurred on the upper River Aherlow near Anglesborough, Co. Limerick on the 20th November 2014.

On that date, Fishery Officers from Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) were undertaking a night time patrol of the river Aherlow during the salmon spawning season. During the investigation, an incident developed which resulted in one Fishery Officer being assaulted and struck with a handle of a shovel. Other Fishery Officers were subjected to threats of violence and abusive language.

Mr Patrick Sheehan Junior, Galbally, Co. Limerick was prosecuted for assaulting, obstructing and refusing to give his name to Fishery Officers. Mr Patrick Sheehan Senior, Ballylanders, Co. Limerick was prosecuted for possession of a lamp on a spawning stream, obstructing and refusing to give his name to Fishery Officers. Mr Richard Childs, Galbally, Co. Limerick was prosecuted for obstructing Fishery Officers.

Judge Brian Sheridan imposed the following penalties: Patrick Sheehan Junior was sentenced to six months imprisonment, suspended for two years on the defendant signing a bond to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for the said period of two years. He was also fined €500 in addition to legal costs of €630. Patrick Sheehan Senior was fined €500 in addition to legal costs of €630. Mr. Richard Childs was fined €250 in addition to legal costs of €630.

“This is not just about the fish”, stated IFI CEO Dr Ciaran Byrne, “it is about protecting over 3000 Irish jobs that rely on our endangered salmon stocks and also ensuring the safety of IFI staff who work to protect and conserve this valuable natural resource for the benefit of rural communities throughout Ireland, including the Aherlow river.” 

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has a confidential hotline number to enable members of the general public to report incidents - 1890 34 74 24 or 1890 FISH 24. This phone line is designed to encourage the reporting of incidents of illegal fishing, water pollution and invasive species.


Further Information: 

Suzanne Campion
Head of Business Development
Inland Fisheries Ireland
Anglesea Street,
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Tel: 052 6180055 Fax: 052 6123971
Email: Website:

Note for Editors:

Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI will promote, support, facilitate and advise the Minister on, the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling and develop and advise the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.