Press Release

Kyne welcomes 50 angling development projects from across the country

Kyne welcomes 50 angling development projects from across the country set to receive funding from Inland Fisheries Ireland

€2M worth of project applications received as engaged rural communities show huge demand for angling development

Wednesday, 21st December 2016: Inland Fisheries Ireland has awarded 50 angling development projects with funding to the value of €500,000 in total as part of its Capital Works Fund. The projects, which focus on improving angling access and infrastructure, will now be delivered in 2017. In total, applications for over 100 projects were received bringing the overall value of projects looking for funding to above €2million.

Sean Kyne TD, Minister with responsibility for the Inland Fisheries Sector, said: “I would like to congratulate the community groups who have been awarded this funding. The projects receiving funding are located in 19 counties across the country. They include the provision of angling boats and trailers to allow for improved access for education/youth initiatives and tourist anglers, upgrades to access roads and car parks at angling sites, construction of new fishing stands, styles and footbridges and the provision of informational signage.”

The Capital Works Fund was announced in October 2016 with local groups and individuals including local development associations, tidy towns, angling clubs and others invited to apply for funding. The scheme is part of Inland Fisheries Ireland’s National Strategy for Angling Development. The Strategy aims to ensure that Ireland’s fish stocks and angling infrastructure are protected and enhanced with a view to ensuring a sustainable habitat and delivering the economic, health and recreational benefits they offer to communities across Ireland.

Inland Fisheries Ireland is aiming to grow the angling sector’s socio-economic contribution of €836 million per year by an additional €60 million annually through the strategy. This will be achieved by driving angling participation among domestic and overseas visitors, which in turn is supported by improving access to fishing and developing angling infrastructure.

Suzanne Campion, Head of Business Development at Inland Fisheries Ireland said: “The Capital Works Fund has been overwhelmed by strong project applications and following a considered review process, we are delighted to announce the 50 projects which have secured support. The demand for improvements in angling access and development is evident. Rural communities across Ireland are engaged with angling and recognise the value of the fisheries resource to their local area.

Inland Fisheries Ireland has worked closely with angling clubs, individuals, community groups and chambers of commerce to inform them about the fund and the overall National Strategy for Angling Development. We hope to empower these stakeholders to improve access to angling in their areas and as a result deliver long term recreational and economic benefit to their communities.”

Inland Fisheries Ireland received 90 ‘Expressions of Interest’ across 21 counties in addition to the applications received for the Capital Works Fund. Feedback has been given to those who completed ‘Expressions of Interest’ and potential has been identified across a number of projects. It is anticipated that Inland Fisheries Ireland will have further funding for projects in this area in the New Year. For more information on Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Capital Works Fund and the projects receiving funding in this funding call, visit

The projects receiving funding under the Capital Works Fund 2016 are:


  • Hollybank Lake, Co. Cavan – Access Road and Car Park Improvements (€16,920) by Cavan County Council

  • Lough Sheelin, Co. Cavan – Safety Measures Project (€3,618) by Cavan Cavan Council

  • Bun Lough, Belturbet, Co. Cavan – Bun Lake Car Park and Access Road Improvements (€14,913) by Cavan County Council

  • Putiaghan Lough, Belturbet, Co. Cavan – Lay-By Upgrade (€9,112) by Cavan County Council

  • Nadreegeel Lough, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan – Site Clearance, Car Park Improvement and Signage Development (€16,500) by Cavan County Council


  • Swan Island, Lough Bridget, Co. Clare – Swan Island Lough Bridget Upgrade of Angling Facilities (€10,000) by Tulla and District Coarse Angling Association


  • River Ilen, Skibbereen, Co.Cork – River Ilen Development Project for Recreational and Tourist Angling (€2, 750) by River Ilen Anglers Club

  • Bandon River, Co. Cork – Opening Access on the Bandon River (€3,770) by Bandon Angling Association

  • Glenbeg Lake, Ardgroom, Beara, Co. Cork – Glenbeg Lake Angling Access (€12,000) by Beara Trout Anglers

  • Tibbotstown Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork – Angling access and storage at Tibbotstown Reservoir (€19,042) by Glanmire & District Salmon & Trout Anglers Association

  • Kilbarry, Co. Cork – River Blackwater Access Improvement (€25,969) by Kilbarry Salmon Trout Anglers


  • Sessiagh Lough, Co. Donegal – Sessiagh Lough Boat Replacement (€6,000) by Dunfanaghy Angling Association

  • Lough Keel, Co. Donegal – Lough Keel Car Park and Access Improvement (€1,050) by Letterkenny & District Anglers Association

  • Lough na Toohey, Creeslough, Co. Donegal - Creeslough Development Plan. Lough na Toohey Angling Access Work (€3,500) by Creeslough & District Angling Association

  • Crana River and Fullerton Pollen Dam Fisheries, Buncrana, Co. Donegal - Buncrana Anglers Fisheries Development Plan (€25,850) by Buncrana Anglers Association


  • Clare River, Co. Galway – Clare River Angling Access Developments (€14,720) by Cairde na Chlair

  • Greenfield, Headford, Co. Galway – Greenfield, Headford Access (€7,533) by Headford and Corrib Angling Club

  • Clare River, Cregmore, Co. Galway – Cregmore Galway River Clare Angling Access Improvements (€9,599) by Cregmore Athenry Anglers

  • Owenriff River, Oughterard, Co. Galway – Owenriff River Resurfacing of Road and Carpark Facility (€14,980) by Oughterard Anglers and Boatmen’s Association

  • Owenglin River, Clifden Glen, Co. Galway – Owenglin River Walkway Upgrade (€700) by Clifden Trout Anglers Association

  • Corr Na Mona Pier Lough Corrib, Co. Galway – Lough Corrib Disabled Hoist (€4,500) by Corr na Mona and District Anglers


  • River Feale, Listowel, Co. Kerry – Listowel Town Access Enhancement (€40,000) by Kerry County Council

  • River Feale, Scartleigh, Co. Kerry – River Feale Angling Access (€2,500) by Killocrim Finuge Fishing Club

  • Cloonaughlin Lake, Waterville Co. Kerry - Cloonaughlin Lake Waterville Access Road Repair (€4,900), by Waterville Lakes and Rivers Trust

  • River Lee, Tralee, Co. Kerry – River Lee Selective Pruning (€10,750) by Karen Griffin, Inland Fisheries Ireland



  • Blackhall, Clane, Co. Kildare – River Liffey Angling Styles (€1,873) by Dublin Trout Anglers.


  • River Nore, Threecastles, Freshford Road, Co. Kilkenny – River Nore Angling Access (€2,080) by Kilkenny City & County Anglers, the Rock Bar


  • Mountmelick, Co. Laois – Improving access at Owenass River (€11,988) by Mountmellick Angling and Conservation Club


  • Lareen and Rosfriar Town, Kinlough, Co. Leitrim – Drowns Fisheries Angling Walkways (€10,000) by Drownes Salmon Fishery

  • Lough Allen, Co. Leitrim – Herns Shore Lough Allen Improved Access Road (€4,600) by Carrick on Shannon Angling Festival

  • Bonet River, Community Park, Co. Leitrim – Upgrading fencing and improving access to local angling community at Bonet River (€8,000) by Dromahair Anglers Association

  • Lough Rowan, Lauragh, Fenagh, Co. Leitrim – Lough Allen angling access road upgrade and stiles (€6,000) by Rinn Shannon and District Angling Club.

  • Lough Allen, Co. Leitrim – Lough Allen Angling Access Road Upgrade and Stiles (€3,600) by Sheemore Angling Club.


  • Curragh Car Park, near Foxford, Co. Mayo – River Moy Curragh Car Park Upgrade (€15,516) by Knockmore Salmon Anglers

  • River Moy, Bohola /Straide , Co. Mayo – River Moy Angling Access (€4,269) by East Mayo Anglers Association

  • River Moy, Foxford, Co. Mayo – Accessible Angling on River Moy (€10,000) by East Mayo Anglers Association


  • Mentrim Lake, Aclare, Co. Meath – Mentrim Lake Improved Angling Access (€10,500) by Mentrim & District Anglers Community Organisation


  • Lough More Greagh Emyvale, Co. Monaghan – Lough More Enabling Easier Angling Access (€450)by Lough More and Blackwater Anglers Association

  • Bairds Shore and Kilroosky, Clones, Co. Monaghan – Bairds Shore Access Road and Kilroosky Parking Area (€20,364) by Monaghan County Council


  • River Brosna, Co. Offaly – Little Brosna Angling Access Works (€980), by Roscrea and District Anglers Club


  • Castlecoote Village, Co. Roscommon – Stoneham’s (Linn Ban) Lake Angling Access Infrastructure Development (€28,148) by Suck Valley Development Co-Operative Society Ltd

  • Emlaghroyan, Co. Roscommon – Corcoran’s Access Path to Angling Pegs (€7,945) by Suck Valley Development Co-Operative Society Ltd


  • River Easkey, Dromore, Co. Sligo – River Easkey Development Project (€10,000) by River Easkey Angling Association

  • Stephen Street Car Park, Co. Sligo – Angling Access to Garavogue River, Sligo (€35,450) by Sligo County Council / Sligo BID Co/ Garavogue Salmon Festival Group

  • Glencor Lake, Co. Sligo – Sligo Anglers Fisheries Angling Boat and Transportation Trailer (€5,400) by Sligo Anglers Association Fisheries


  • River Suir, North Bank between Clonmel and Carrick on Suir, Co. Tipperary – River Suir Angling Access Improvements (€10,000) by Tipperary County Council

  • River Suir, Killsheelan , Co. Tipperary – River Suir Kilsheelin – Angling Access Project (€5,360) by Clonmel & District And Trout Association.


  • Carrigvantry and Knockaderry Reservoirs, Co. Waterford – Angling Access (€4,000) by Waterford City and County Trout Anglers Association

  • Belle Lake, Co. Waterford – Belle Lake Disinfectant Station and Boat Project (€1,100) by Belle Lake Pike Angling Club


  • Ballygeary, Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford – Rosslare Harbour Lagoon Development (€4,698) by Community Development Group


For media information:

Órla Sheils
Communications Manager
Inland Fisheries Ireland
T: 01 8842673


About Inland Fisheries Ireland

Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. Inland Fisheries Ireland promotes, supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling. Inland Fisheries Ireland also develops policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling and advises the Minister on same.