Press Release

Irish Specimen Fish Committee Report 2017: Mullet smashes old record

Irish Specimen Fish Committee Report 2017: Mullet smashes old record


ISFC report 2018

Friday 26th January 2018: Dublin angler Ian Mulligan has broken the Golden Grey Mullet record, which was established as recently as 2014.

The new record, weighing 1.29 kg, was caught at Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, on the 4th of July 2017. The Irish Specimen Fish Committee recently ratified this new Irish record fish.  

The announcement was made in the Irish Specimen Fish Committee Report 2017, which has just been released. The Irish Specimen Fish Committee, which is supported by Inland Fisheries Ireland, is an independent voluntary body which verifies and records the capture of large fish caught on rod by anglers in freshwater and marine waters.

As well as the new record, detailed information on 422 specimen fish (large fish) taken by anglers from venues throughout Ireland in 2017, comprising many different species, is detailed in the report. The main species were smaller shark species like Smooth hound and Spurdog and, in freshwater, Carp dominated. All fish were caught, weighed, measured and released.

The Irish Specimen Fish Committee report is available on the ISFC website or from the Inland Fisheries Ireland website Irish Specimen Fish Commmittee Report 2017. Hard copies of the report are available from Inland Fisheries Ireland offices nationally.

The ISFC Awards Day, when anglers will be presented with their awards and certificates, will be held on 17th Feb 2018 in Dublin (in conjunction with Irish Angling Show weekend:

Meanwhile, anglers both at home and abroad will be reading the report carefully to plan their angling trips to catch the big fish in Ireland in 2018.



Media contact:

Paul O’Mahony: 087 099 5038


For technical information contact:

William Roche, ISFC Secretary at 01-8842600



Issued by Irish Specimen Fish Committee, Inland Fisheries Ireland, 3044 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, D24 Y265.


Notes to Editors


About the Irish Specimen Fish Committee

Founded in 1955, the Irish Specimen Fish Committee, is an independent voluntary body, representative of angling interests in Ireland, whose principal function is to verify, record and publicise the capture of large (i.e. specimen) fish caught on rod and line by anglers in Ireland, both in freshwater and marine waters. The Committee also ratifies Irish record rod caught fish. The ISFC coordinates and administers the unique specimen awards scheme which is designed to recognize any angler who catches a specimen fish and to publicise the angling venue. Successful anglers are awarded a certificate and a commemorative badge. Specially commissioned silver medals are presented to captors of record fish and special awards are also made to captors of multiple specimen fish (on a cumulative basis). This report is a detailed listing of all particulars relating to specimen and record fish captures in Irish waters in 2017. Over 29,000 claims have been received by the ISFC over the past 62 years. This dataset is one of the most valuable and long-running time-series of its type. The service is free, and anglers catching a specimen or record fish can check the ISFC website for details on how to claim their specimen.

ISFC is funded primarily by Inland Fisheries Ireland, some angling federations, individual anglers and its activities are also supported by representatives from the various agencies that serve on the Committee.


Irish Specimen Fish Committee Members 2017 

Dr. Robert Rosell (AFBI), Chairman, Dr. William Roche, Secretary, Shane O’Reilly and Micheál Hennessy (Inland Fisheries Ireland), Alan McGurdy, Stewart McGrane (Game Angling), Dr. Edward Fahy, Dr. Patrick Boylan (Loughs Agency), Der Casey (Coarse Angling) and Brian Cooke (Sea Angling).