Press Release

Inland Fisheries Ireland statement re Ballysadare river catchment reopening

The Ballysadare River catchment Co Sligo has today reopened for angling on a catch-and-release only basis following the deaths of a large number of salmon in the system in July.

It will operate on a catch-and-release basis for salmon of any size, and sea trout over 40cm, for the remainder of the salmon and sea trout season to September 30th.

All lakes on the system will reopen for angling today also, and local regulations apply as normal.

Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan TD has signed a new conservation bye-law regarding the reopening.

Inland Fisheries Ireland has been investigating the salmon mortalities at the watercourse, and will provide information on the causes of these deaths in due course.

The Ballysadare River and all waterways in the Ballysadare system closed to all fishing on July 17th after 1,079 salmon were recorded dead.

The reopening now, on a catch-and-release-only basis, is to conserve the remaining fish population, which are vulnerable following the July mortalities.

Relevant bye-law:

Conservation of Salmon and Sea Trout Ballysadare (Catch and Release) Bye-Law No 1012 of 2024

Published on 22 Aug 2024
  • Laws and Regulations