Press Release

Inland Fisheries Ireland launches two new angling guides for the Gweebarra and Eany Rivers in Co. Donegal

PRESS RELEASE Tuesday, 5th April 2016

Inland Fisheries Ireland launches two new angling guides for the Gweebarra and Eany Rivers in Co. Donegal

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has today (05.04.16) announced the release of two new angling guides for salmon and sea trout angling on the Gweebarra and Eany Rivers in Co. Donegal.

The Gweebarra River Angling Guide

The Gweebarran River is a highly productive salmon and sea trout fishery situated in west Donegal. It is a spate fishery, containing excellent fly-fishing water over its entire length with numerous holding pools, including the famous Mayo Pool, where the Cloghanagore River enters the main river.

The new angling guide, which comes as a fold-out water-resistant leaflet, provides detailed beat maps for the Gweebarra River fishery which extends for 13 kilometres from Lough Barra to Doochary village at the head of the tide.

Key angling stretches, holding pools and access points are identified for each of the beats in addition to further information regarding fishing methods, relevant angling regulations and locations at which visiting anglers may obtain licences and permits to fish.

Dr Milton Matthews, Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland, commented: “IFI would like to acknowledge the ongoing assistance of the Gweebarra Fishing Club which provided much of the background information regarding local place names and fishing pools utilised in the production of the guide. It is hoped that the new guide will provide a valuable reference for local and visiting anglers alike in the promotion of the Gweebarra fishery for the enjoyment and benefit of all.  

“The new angling guide represents the culmination of the extensive capital investment and development of the Gweebarra fishery over recent years to conserve fish stocks, improve angling access and establish a wheelchair accessible section at Doochary village. The progress to date in upgrading and marketing of the fishery could not have been achieved without the ongoing support of the local fishing club and community.”

The Eany River Angling Guide

The second guide provides information on the Eany River, a spate river draining the Bluestack Mountains in south Donegal and flowing into Inver Bay. The Eany is a spate river system with peak angling activity typically coinciding with grilse and sea trout runs from June to September.

The Eany fishery, which includes the main river together with the Eanybeg and Eanymore tributaries, comprises more than 20 kilometres of varied angling water suitable for fly-fishing, spinning and bait (worm only) fishing. (Please note: The Eany River is currently listed on conservation grounds for catch and release angling only, so angling is restricted to use of single barbless hooks only with worm fishing banned).

The guide comes as a fold-out water-resistant leaflet suitable for outdoor use, and provides a detailed map of the Eany River fishery identifying key angling stretches, holding pools and suitable access and parking points along the fishery. It also provides information regarding fishing methods, relevant angling regulations and locations at which visiting anglers may obtain licences and permits to fish.

Both the Eany and Gweebarra Angling guides are available from Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) offices in Glenties or Ballyshannon during the season or can be downloaded directly from the IFI website at

For more information, visit


Further Information:  Suzanne Campion
Head of Business Development
Inland Fisheries Ireland
Anglesea Street,
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

Tel: 052 6180055 Fax: 052 6123971
Email: Website:

Inland Fisheries Irelandis a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI promotes, supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling, and develops and advises the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.