IFI to provide over €1m for transformative river restoration projects in 2025
- Almost €985k provided for developments in 16 counties in 2024
- New Habitats & Conservation Funding Call now open
Inland Fisheries Ireland(IFI) is to provide more than €1m in 2025 to support healthy habitats for fish in rivers nationwide.
In 2024, IFI awarded almost €985k for 32 community, angling club, and national projects in 16 counties including Cavan, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Laois, Mayo, Meath, Offaly, Sligo, Tipperary, Wicklow, Westmeath.
IFI’s Habitats & Conservation Funding comprises two competitive initiatives – the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund, and the Midlands Fisheries Fund.

A completed river restoration at the Kilroe River, Co. Galway, with instream structures to help vary the river's flow and depth
Brian Beckett Acting Head of Operations at IFI commented: “Since 2016 IFI has given more than €7m in grants to over 312 river restoration, and barrier mitigation, projects throughout Ireland.
“These schemes, which are administered by IFI, invest in sustainable developments that help native salmon and sea trout survive and thrive, and to overcome increasing challenges they face in the wild.
“They also support key fisheries research and critical habitats work to enhance the resilience of fish populations in an era of climate disruption.”

Spawning gravel works at Stonyford River, Co Meath
Monies are generated from salmon and sea trout angling and commercial fishing licences, and the sale of fishing permits.
Applications for IFI’s Habitats & Conservation Funding 2025 have now opened, and expressions of interest can be made until December 13th.
Eligible angling clubs, fishery owners and other stakeholders are invited to express their interest in submitting a proposal.
Additional and comprehensive information is available to view in IFI’s Funding Call guide for 2025.