IFI to provide over €1m for new river conservation projects
- Habitats & Conservation Funding Call 2024 launches today

Co Mayo: Replenishment of spawning gravels in a drained channel near Partry, Co. Mayo.
Inland Fisheries Ireland is to provide more than €1 million in new grants to support fish, and their habitats, in rivers nationwide.
Inland Fisheries Ireland(IFI)’s Habitats and Conservation funding call 2024 is now live, and expressions of interest can be made up to December 15th.
Since 2016, IFI has given more than €6 million in grants to over 280 projects throughout the country under the programme.

Co Carlow: Rock ramp fish pass constructed in the River Burren, Co. Carlow, helping to make the barrier passable to a wide range of fish species.
Barry Fox Head of Operations at Inland Fisheries Ireland commented: “The conservation and protection of Atlantic salmon and sea trout is an integral part of IFI’s progressive and sustainable fisheries management operations.
“This funding will improve fish habitats and increase juvenile abundance of salmon and trout. A total of €1,050,000 is being allocated in 2024.
“We are investing in transformative conservation projects that have a strong focus on outcomes”.
“Priority will be given to proposals that rehabilitate damaged river habitats, improve water quality, and help fish traverse physical in-stream barriers, like weirs.”

Co Galway: Riverbank fencing and instream structures in the Kilroe River, Co. Galway, creating a habitat with varied depth and velocity of flow, favoured by invertebrates and salmonids.
IFI’s Habitats and Conservation Fund comprise two schemes - the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund, and the Midlands Fisheries Fund.
These competitive initiatives are financed from salmon and sea trout angling and commercial fishing licences in Ireland, and the sale of fishing permits.
In 2023, the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund provided a total of €99,273 to 24 projects in counties Cork, Offaly, Donegal, Galway, Clare, Kerry, Kildare, Sligo, Mayo, Meath, Wicklow and Westmeath. See details on Conservation and Protection Fund in 2023.

Co Meath: Riverbank habitat restoration works on the Stonyford River, Stonestown Co. Meath - showing recovery of riparian vegetation following fencing works.
Up to €50,000 is available through the Midlands Fisheries Fund to support angling and sustainable development works in the midlands fisheries group permit area.
Eligible angling clubs, fishery owners and other stakeholders are invited to express their interest in applying for funding.
Full application details, and comprehensive information is available to view via the link below.