Control of the Invasive Himalayan Balsam on the Grand Canal Navigation
Press Release June 10th 2011.
Control of the Invasive Himalayan Balsam on the Grand Canal Navigation

Himalayan Balsam control operations commenced at a site near Carlow town this week and will proceed in a downstream direction from 7th to 10th June 2011. This invasive plant is currently spreading along the banks of the River Barrow (and many other Irish rivers) at an alarming rate and is seriously impacting native biodiversity. Inland Fisheries Ireland is coordinating the weed control operation, which is being undertaking by IFI staff (representing the EU funded CAISIE Project), volunteers from a conservation volunteer agency (Conservation Services) and Carlow County Council.
Himalayan balsam is a tall herbaceous plant, its tall growth form (up to 2m) poses an obstruction to anglers and other user groups. It was introduced to Ireland as an ornamental plant in the late 19th century. ‘ The clearing of the himalayan balsam will remove an impediment to the growth and proliferation of native plant species ‘ commented Dr Joe Caffrey of IFI, ‘ and allow our native flora and fauna to re-establish thereby protecting our biodiversity’.
Research conducted in the UK has demonstrated that it is possible to effectively control and even eradicate this highly invasive plant species by uprooting it from the habitat before it sets seed (normally in late June or July). The plant has a very shallow and weak root system and is easily pulled from the ground.
The primary focus of this programme is the areas of dense infestation, although the ultimate goal is to remove any living himalayan balsam specimens. CAISIE (acronym for ‘the control of aquatic invasive species and restoration of natural communities in Ireland’) is part funded by the EU LIFE+ programme. Permission to conduct this operation has been granted by NPWS.
Media Enquiries
Suzanne Campion
Head of Business Development
Inland Fisheries Ireland
Anglesea Street,
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Tel: 052 6180055 Fax: 052 6123971;
Email: Website:
Notes to Editor
Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI will promote, support, facilitate and advise the Minister on, the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling and develop and advise the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.
CAISIE ( is the acronym for ‘the control of aquatic invasive species and the restoration of natural communities in Ireland’). CAISIE is an Inland Fisheries Ireland EU Life+ funded project and is co-financed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.