Press Release

Applications invited for Eel Fisherpersons Support Scheme before upcoming closing date

Applications invited for Eel Fisherpersons Support Scheme before upcoming closing date

Deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 30th November

Wednesday, 28th of November 2018: The Support Scheme for Former Eel Fisherpersons which was announced last month to address the hardship experienced by commercial eel fisherpersons is open for applications until 5pm on Friday, 30th of November 2018.  It is a condition of the scheme that late applications will not be accepted.

The scheme is open to licenced or permitted fishermen and women who were affected by the Government decision to align the wild eel fishery with scientific advice on eel stocks. It does not apply to nominees on eel licences /permits who are not the licence/permit holder.

The fund offers a restitution payment specifically targeted at former licensed eel fisherpersons who were actively engaged with the commercial eel fishery prior to the National Eel Management Plans and the 2008 public consultation which subsequently lead to the closure of the commercial eel fishery.

All information on the scheme including information booklet, application form, FAQ is available here on . Anyone with queries can contact a member of the Eel Support Scheme Team by emailing or telephoning 091 563 118. Information and relevant booklets and forms are also available from Inland Fisheries Ireland’s offices around the country.

Eel species ireland

The details of the fund are as follows:

Details of qualifying criteria

The fund is available to all commercial eel licence holders who held a licence (or an eel fishing permit from the E.S.B.) in the 2007 season (the base year).

  • A tax free sum may be paid to licence or permit holders in respect of each of the five reckonable years (2003-2007) for which they were a licence or permit holder.
  • A further taxable payment may be made to licence or permit holders in respect of the average of their catches, based on State held records, during the five reckonable years (2003-2007)

Payment levels:

Licence /Permit payments:

This element of the support payment is tax exempt. Once a licence or permit was held in 2007, the records for prior years are taken into consideration.


Single Licence

Shared Licence / Permit
















Catch Related Payments

Bands of payments taxable for average catch over years fished in the datum years.  Once a licence or permit was held in 2007, the fisherman’s or woman’s catch records for prior years (2003-2007) are taken into consideration towards an average annual catch.

Catch Range Kilos

Gross Payment







151- 300












Over 4000



The fund will be paid over a period of three years and the amount will be paid in three or four instalments. The first non-taxable instalment will be paid (if the application is verified and approved by IFI) before 31st December 2018. Subject to verification of tax compliance, it is intended that the first taxable instalment will be also be paid before 31 December 2018. The two further instalments in the two subsequent years (2019 and 2020). 


For media information:

Órla Sheils
Communications Manager
T; 01 8842673


About Inland Fisheries Ireland

Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. Inland Fisheries Ireland promotes supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling. Inland Fisheries Ireland also develops policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling and advises the Minister on same.