Cong canal salvage operations

Customer Queries & Complaints

We strive to provide the best possible service at all times. However, there may be times when you think we can improve that service.

We strive to provide the best possible service at all times. However, there may be times when you think we can improve that service. Or, there may be times when you want to tell us about something we have done poorly.

You can contact any of our staff members or managers, or our Complaints Officer via post, email and phone, or by using the online form below.

Inland Fisheries Ireland

Citywest Business Campus

Dublin 24

D24 CK66

Phone: 01 8842694



Send us your queries, comments or complaints

  • Current Contact details
  • About the complaint
  • Supporting documentation

Contact details

How should we contact you?
Eircode is in capital letters, Please visit to find your Eircode.
Are you making a complaint on behalf of someone else?

Making a Complaint for Another Person

Please tell us about the person on behalf of whom you are making a complaint.