Public Notice


Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has recognised the key role angling clubs play in the area of fisheries development and angling tourism. It has identified the empowerment of its stakeholders as a key objective and has designed its programmes to ensure that stakeholders are facilitated and partnered to assist in the strategic development of fisheries and angling developments.

IFI now wishes to introduce a new scheme through which angling clubs and organisations can access funding to undertake sustainable development works in the Midland Fisheries Group permit area.  The fund has been created through angler contributions set-a-side from the Permit Income received by IFI in the Midlands Fisheries Group permit area.

The Scheme will be called the Midland Fisheries Sustainable Development Fund (MFF)


IFI invites applications to the MFF from angling clubs/organisations in the Midland Fisheries Group  area for fisheries and angling development projects.

Complete application forms should be forwarded to Amanda Mooney, Director IFI Limerick.

Application forms are available to download from links below or from IFI Limerick.

Application is solely by submission of the official application form by email or postal delivery or hand delivery to IFI Limerick – see details below. IFI accepts no responsibility for misdirected, delayed or lost applications (electronic or otherwise).


An information session will be held on May 14th   6.30pm – 8.30pm in Lough Owel Angling Centre


Completed application forms must be received at IFI Limerick by the dates below to permit assessment. The MFF call will remain open (subject to budget availability and at the IFI’s absolute discretion) with cut off dates to facilitate assessment.

Applications received by the following cut off dates will be assessed at or about that time.

Cut off date:

  • 10:00am 15 June 2013


The IFI is seeking applications for projects which may address the following:

  • Development of access and other infrastructure for angling (including disabled access).
  • Development of the angling product in agreement with IFI Business Development.
  • Development that focuses on providing facilities for those engaged in angling.(eg Toilet)
  • Training that develops and enhances angling capacity.
  • Fish passage improvement. (E.g. removal of barriers, modification of weirs, and construction of fish passes etc)
  • Spawning enhancement (addition/raking of gravel or cleaning of existing substrates)
  • Instream structures (weirs, deflectors, rubble mats, random boulders etc.)
  • River Bank protection (rock armour, log revetment etc.)
  • Fencing (protection of river banks including fences, stiles, cattle drinks etc.)
  • Riparian zone improvement (tree pruning and strategic tree planting)
  • Removal & control of exotic invasive species (e.g. Rhododendron, Japanese knotweed, Asian Clam, Chub etc.)
  • Feasibility studies (which lead to future projects under the above headings to maximum of 50% funding or €2000 whichever is less). A maximum of five (5) studies only to be allowed.


IFI reserves the right to allocate funding at its absolute discretion to meet its priority of sustainable development of fisheries and angling in the Midland Fisheries Group area.

IFI will assess project proposals, score them and then prioritise the proposals (based on scoring). Funding will be allocated on the basis of that prioritisation exercise.

Application is solely by submission of the official application form by email or postal delivery or hand delivery to IFI Limerick – see details below.

Project scoring criteria will include (but not be limited to) the following:

  • Projects must have a good potential to clearly benefit fisheries and/or angling in the Midland Fisheries Group Permit Area – See Map.
  • Projects must have a definite focus on tourism angling or fisheries development that will ultimately improve the tourism potential.
  • Projects must not have taken place before issue of Letter of Offer.
  • No more than two applications per applicant will be considered, however where large projects are being considered, phasing of applications is advised. Applicants should provide an overview for the entire project.
  • Funding will normally not exceed €15,000
  • Funding may be at a level of up to 100% of total expenditure, however IFI prefers projects where there is a match fund element provided by the applicant. 25% is the recommended level of match funding, allowing IFI to provide 75% of the project costs.
  • Sustainable development must be evident. (Maintenance Plans)
  • Potential economic impact must be outlined as part of the application.
  • Projects that are part of a larger community or tourism project must be noted as such and supporting documentation provided.
  • Projects must be such that they will aim to complete by October 2013.

Guidelines for a successful application

  • Please liaise with local IFI staff to ensure the project application is complete and conforms to the requirement of the scheme.
  • Supporting information must be submitted along with official application form i.e. maps, GPS coordinates, scientific recommendations, landowner agreements, NPWS approvals if required etc.;
  • Applicants must provide evidence of interest/ownership/title to fishery.
  • Applicants must supply a valid tax clearance certificate, VAT or PPS number as appropriate.
  • Applicants must supply the Constitution or Memo and Articles of Association of their club or association.
  • Inland Fisheries Ireland reserves the right to refuse any application.
  • Grant funding shall be for capital projects. Labour/mileage in the form of own resources does not qualify for project expenditure but labour may be used as match funding. Contracted labour (from registered C2 contractors) will qualify as eligible expenditure.
  • The purchase of machinery/equipment shall not be funded (e.g. Mini-diggers, chainsaws, strimmers etc.) except in exceptional circumstances, in which case must be agreed in advance with the project Co-ordinator.
  • Project proposals shall be inspected by Inland Fisheries Ireland prior to grant of any fund.
  • Applications are only valid for the year of funding and must be resubmitted annually to receive any further consideration.
  • 3 Quotations are required for all proposed expenditure of €500 and above.
  • Statutory and Landowner approvals to accompany application – e.g. Planning permission, OPW, NPWS etc. as appropriate. If your proposed project is situated within a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) you will require permissions from National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) prior to any works been undertaken. If you are unsure check with your local NPWS office. 

Download an application form

  • Midland Fisheries Sustainable Development Fund application form (308.4 kB)

Claim form


  • Midland Fisheries Fund - Claim Form (463 kB)

Contact details:

Ms Amanda Mooney,

IFI Limerick, Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick.

Phone: 061 300238  


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