Press Release

O Dowd announces a new funding stream and a total of €410,000 to support fisheries development projects


Press Release, February 6th , 2014

O Dowd announces a new funding stream and a total of  €410,000 to support fisheries development projects

The 2014 Salmon Conservation Fund(SCF), the Midland Fisheries Fund(MFF) and the new Co-op Funds are now open for applications, Minister Fergus O’ Dowd has announced.  In total €410,000  is available to conserve and develop the inland fisheries resource.

These Inland Fisheries Ireland schemes facilitate clubs, fishery owners, commercial salmon fishers and other organisations to undertake works to improve habitat, stocks, access, invasive species management, angling etc under the supervision and direction of IFI. The works undertaken are important in maintaining and improving capacity within the inland fisheries resource which is estimated to contribute €755 million annually to the Irish economy.

Ronan O'Brien, Minister Fergus O'Dowd and Jim Curley

Ronan O'Brien, IFI, Minister Fergus O'Dowd and Jim Curley, Dee and Glyde Fishing Development Association, inspect development works on the River Dee

Announcing the schemes Minister O’ Dowd stated ‘the inland fisheries sector is fortunate to have such an engaged stakeholder cohort and I am pleased to be able to support IFI in making these funds available to them to allow for ground up, managed sustainable development.  Unfortunately the Co-op Funds Scheme is only a once off opportunity, while the other funds will have to be reviewed on an annual basis. I encourage all those interested in fisheries to investigate the possibilities under the various schemes to conserve, develop and promote the resources in their care for the betterment of angling, the inland fisheries resource itself and Irelands economy’ .

The new Co-op Funds, which will be available for 2014 only, comprise the various funds remitted to Inland Fisheries Ireland on the dissolution of the Trout and Coarse Fish Development Societies. The funds will be distributed back to the regions from which they came. A total of €160,000 is available, with over €130,000 specifically for the old Southern Regional Fisheries Board area.

The Salmon Conservation Scheme is now 7 years in existence and has allocated funding to 145 salmon projects all around Ireland. €200,000 is available for distribution under the scheme in 2014.

The Midland Fisheries Fund, which ran as a pilot scheme in 2013, has seen 9 projects undertaken in the midland area developing angling resources, supporting scientific research and conserving fisheries habitat. A further €50,000 is available under this scheme for 2014.

Full details and application forms are available on this site:


Media Enquiries

Suzanne Campion, 
Head of Business Development, 
Inland Fisheries Ireland, 
Anglesea Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. 
Tel: 052 6180055 Fax: 052 6123971
Email: Website:

Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. IFI promotes, supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on, the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling. It also develops and advises the Minister on policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling.