Midland Fisheries Fund - Call for applications

Fógra Poiblí

Midland Fisheries Fund - Call for applications

Following on the success of last year’s pilot Midland Fisheries Fund , IFI have decided to continue the scheme through which angling clubs and organisations can access funding to undertake sustainable development works in the Midland Fisheries Group permit area. The fund has been created through angler contributions set-a-side from the Permit Income received by IFI in the Midlands Fisheries Group permit area.

The Scheme will be called the Midland Fisheries Sustainable Development Fund (MFF)


IFI invites applications to the MFF from angling clubs/organisations in the Midland Fisheries Group  area for fisheries and angling development projects. 
Complete application forms should be forwarded to Amanda Mooney, Director IFI Limerick.
Application forms are available to download from the link below or from IFI Limerick.
Application is solely by submission of the official application form by email or postal delivery or hand delivery to IFI Limerick – see details below. IFI accepts no responsibility for misdirected, delayed or lost applications (electronic or otherwise).

Cut off date for receipt of applications is 11.00am 6 June 2014

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