Free Community Seminar - Control & Management of Non Native Invasive Plant Species

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Free Community Seminar - Control and Management of Non Native Invasive Plant Species

MulkearLIFE / Inland Fisheries Ireland is delighted to announce details of a major community training and networking seminar to be held Friday 2nd November 2012 in Crokers Bar & Restaurant, Murroe, Co. Limerick. The free event is entitled ‘Community Involvement in the Control and Management of Invasive Plant Species Along Rivers & Water Bodies’.

The training element of the seminar is designed to be interactive and will focus on how community groups and local individuals can undertake work to address the considerable problem of invasives plants along rivers and water bodies. Case studies of community involvement in such work in counties Cork, Limerick and Carlow will be presented.


MCV members manually remove Himalayan Balsam

The seminar will in particular focus on the main problem riparian invasive plants, namely Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed, other knotweeds, Himalayan Balsam, other balsam and Pheasant Berry. Particular focus will be placed on community efforts to control and eradicate Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed.

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Mobile OPW unit using backpack sprayers on Giant Hogweed

Full Seminar Programme

Booking Is Essential: The seminar is free and includes lunch and all refreshments. It is open to all but pre-booking is essential as spaces are limited. To book your place: either telephone 061 300 238 or e-mail

Directions: The seminar will take place in Crokers Bar and Restaurant, Murroe Co. Limerick which is approximately 15 minutes by car from Limerick (19km)- Crokers – Map of How To Get There

Lifts will be available from the IFI Offices, Dock Rd, Limerick and Mill Bar, Annacotty but pre-booking (as above) is required.

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Former Himalayan Balsam infestation at Annacotty Weir

Who Should Attend: The seminar is open to all but is primarily aimed at members of local community groups, farmers / landowners, Tidy Town committees, local development associations, and locals who have been dealing with the ongoing problem of non native invasives. While the seminar is open to all it will be especially interesting to those within the Mulkear Catchment in Counties Limerick and Tipperary and those living in Limerick city and in other major towns bordering the catchment. The seminar will be practical and hands-on and will focus on the control and manual removal of Himalayan Balsam and the application of chemical spraying on other invasives to support the regeneration of the riparian zone of rivers and native riparian vegetation. The afternoon session will be in the field.

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High Nature Value, species rich, riparian zone on the upper Newport River

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