A clarification on the protection of bass stocks

Fógra Poiblí

A clarification on the protection of bass stocks

Bass are protected under the Sea Fisheries Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006. They are covered under the following three statutory instruments

  • SI 367 of 2007
  • SI 368 of 2007
  • SI 230 of 2006

All of which can be found on the Irish Statute Book website (www.irishstatutebook.ie)

These three pieces of legislation which derive from the Sea Fisheries Maritime Jurisdiction Act 2006 specifically prohibit

  1. Commercial Fishing For Bass & Size Limit (SI 230 of 2006)
    The effect of these Regulations is to prohibit fishing for, landing, transhipping or having on board bass by an Irish sea-fishing boat and to prohibit the use of nets. These Regulations also prescribes a minimum size of 40 centimetres for bass within the State. These Regulations come into effect from 9 May 2006.
  1. Taking more than two Bass per day by recreational anglers (SI 368 of 2007)
    The effect of this Bye-law is to impose a bag limit on anglers of two bass in any one period of 24 hours and to provide for a ban on angling for bass during the spawning season (15 May to 15 June each year).
  1. Selling Rod or commercially caught bass (only imported ones) (SI 367 of 2007)
    The effect of these Regulations is to prohibit the sale or offer for sale of bass (other than bass which has been imported into the State) from 1 July 2007.

135 IFI officers are authorised under this act as de facto Sea Fisheries Protection Officers for the  purposes of enforcing the Bass legislation.

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