Fisheries Funding
Inland Fisheries Ireland has provided over €8 million of funding to interested parties since 2016 to deliver projects that align with our objectives.
In 2024, Inland Fisheries Ireland made funding available from the Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund and from the Midland Fisheries Fund. These two funds support sustainable fisheries projects that primarily support riparian habitats and fish species conservation.
The Go Fishing Fund is available in 2024, which is aimed at introducing individuals who are socially, economically, and educationally disadvantaged, as well as those with disabilities, to the recreational benefits of fishing. The Sponsorship Programme invites angling clubs and tourism organisations to apply for funding or support to ensure the smooth running of a variety of angling related events and initiatives.
The Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund
The Salmon and Sea Trout Rehabilitation, Conservation and Protection Fund (SSTRCPF) is generated from the sale of salmon and sea trout angling and commercial fishing licences, which represents a major contribution by licence holders to the rehabilitation, conservation and protection of these species. Funding is available through the SSTRCPF to contributors to the Fund which may include angling clubs, commercial fishery operators and fishery owners with an interest in a salmon fishery and who have purchased an Irish salmon and sea trout angling licence, commercial fishing licence or fishery rates contributor.
The Midland Fisheries Fund
The Midland Fisheries Fund (MFF) is a funding mechanism through which angling clubs and organisations can access funding to undertake sustainable development works in the Midland Fisheries Group permit area. This source of funding has been created through angler contributions set-a-side from the Permit Income received by Inland Fisheries Ireland in the Midlands Fisheries Group permit area. Funding is available to contributors of this fund that have paid a MFF group permit.
Go Fishing Fund
The Go Fishing Fund 2024 from the Dormant Accounts Fund is aimed at introducing individuals who are socially, economically, and educationally disadvantaged, as well as those with disabilities, to the recreational benefits of fishing. This initiative will also emphasise water safety, environmental stewardship, sensitive habitats and Biodiversity. It will also promote the protection of vulnerable river habitats and awareness of the threats posed to them by invasive species.
Sponsorship Programme
Since 2012, Inland Fisheries Ireland has invited angling clubs and tourism organisations to apply for sponsorship support to ensure the smooth running of a variety of angling related events and initiatives. The key drivers behind the IFI Sponsorship Programme have traditionally been to 1) increase participation in angling by recruitment of juvenile and novice anglers and 2) to maximise the potential of Ireland’s wild fisheries as world class venues for sustainable medium and large-scale angling competitions, thereby boosting the benefit of sustainable tourism in rural regions and extending the tourism season.
Making an application for funding
Inland Fisheries Ireland uses an online Grants Management Portal for all funding-related applications. In order to access this platform, you will firstly need to register your club, association, organization, etc. Once registered, you will then be able to log into the system and access the application system. If applying to the SSTRCPF or the MFF an Expression of Interest (EOI) needs to be completed. If applying to the Go Fishing Fund (GFF) or the Sponsorship Programme you can prepare and submit a funding application form.
For more details on recent or current funding calls made by Inland Fisheries Ireland please follow the links below:
Apply for Funding
Access the on-line Grants Management Portal using the link below