Inland Fisheries Ireland Announces 35 “Angling for All” Projects Granted Funding in 2020

Media Release
Inland Fisheries Ireland Announces 35 “Angling for All” Projects Granted Funding in 2020
Projects which support novice angling granted funding through the Dormant Account Fund
Friday, 13th of November 2020: Inland Fisheries Ireland has granted funding for 35 angling projects across the country in 2020. The projects, which received financial grants though Inland Fisheries Ireland, supported by the Dormant Account Fund to the tune of €140,000, will benefit initiatives from groups in Ireland that are engaged in novice angling.
Applications were welcomed from any group in Ireland that is engaged in developing novice angling, for expenditure on projects that support governance, education and safety in angling. The “Angling for All” fund is financially supporting 35 such projects across Ireland with a view to increasing numbers of novice anglers. Four national projects are receiving funding along with the 31 regional projects, these include projects by the following:
- The National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland (NCFFI)
- The Salmon and Sea Trout Recreational Anglers of Ireland (SSTRAI)
- The Angling Council of Ireland (ACI)
- The Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs (IFPAC)
Suzanne Campion, Head of Business Development at Inland Fisheries Ireland said: “The “Angling for All” fund has been oversubscribed reflecting the interest there is in angling countrywide. This financial investment of €140,000 will support the angling community directly to help make angling an accessible sport to novice angler of all backgrounds and abilities. The fund seeks to break down proven barriers to entering the sport and aims to improve governance, education and safety within angling stakeholder organisations.”
For a full list of projects and initiatives receiving funding, see:
Inland Fisheries Ireland has granted funding for 35 angling projects across the country in 2020. The projects, which received financial grants though Inland Fisheries Ireland, supported by the Dormant Account Fund to the tune of €140,000, will benefit initiatives from groups in Ireland that are engaged in novice angling.
The 2020 'Angling for All' funds are as follows:
Organisation | Location | Project Title | Offer amount |
Connaught Angling Council | Mayo | Angling development | 4759.46 |
Angling Council Ireland (ACI) | Nationwide | Child Safety, Coaching & Governance The Angling Council of Ireland #whatwedobest | 5000 |
Cornamona and District Anglers Association | Galway | Inclusive Angling | 3300 |
Weston Anglers | Limerick | Help the kids and keep the art of fishing alive | 4500 |
Maigue Rivers Trust | Limerick | Fly Fishing on the Maigue | 4867.7 |
James's Street CBS | Dublin | Transition Year Fishing Project | 4600 |
Inniscarra Fishing | Cork | Fishing for All on Inniscarra | 5000 |
Tullamore and District Angling Club | Offaly | Junior Anglers 2021 | 2400 |
SSTRAI Rathcormac Angling Group | Cork | Rathcormac Angling Hub Cast Programme fly tying for Rathcormac Scout Group | 2000 |
Salmon & Sea Trout Recreational Anglers Ireland | Nationwide | SSTRAI New Starter Hubs 2021 (equipment) | 5000 |
Macroom Trout Angling club | Cork | West Muskerry Angling Club | 3270 |
Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub | Longford | Access and coaching for youth and disabled | 5000 |
St John Bosco Youth Centre | Dublin | Bosco Fishing Initiative | 2100 |
Youth Action Castlebar | Mayo | Youth Action Castlebar | 2200 |
Youth Action Ballina | Mayo | Youth Fishing Initiative | 3300 |
Bannow Bay Sea Angling Club | Wexford | Shore Fishing for all. | 4500 |
Mountmellick Angling Club | Laois | Mountmellick Angling for all | 4895 |
Fermoy river youth And amenity group | Cork | Training for youth and vulnerable adults | 4810 |
Waterford and District Coarse angling club | Waterford | WDCAC coaching program | 4900 |
St. Pauls youth fishing club | Waterford | Waterford city youth outreach | 4850 |
Lough Ree Access For All CLG | Roscommon | Lough Ree Access For All Angling Safaris | 5000 |
Oaklands Coarse Angling club | Wexford | Oaklands Angling Camps | 4900 |
Deele Community Anglers | Donegal | Wefish Nature Educates. | 4800 |
Foroige Connect | Mayo | Foroige Connect | 2200 |
FORUM Connemara Clg | Galway | Angling for young people with disability | 2500 |
SSTRAI Glanmire & District Salmon & Trout Anglers Association | Cork | Tibbotstown Reservoir Fishery | 3500 |
Killinarden Angling Initiative | Dublin | Angling in Dublin Vlog | 4000 |
Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs | Dublin | All Ireland Junior Angling Championships and Novice Angler Coaching | 5000 |
National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland | Nationwide | On-Line Governmence Support for Clubs | 4500 |
Maugherow Sea Angling Club | Sligo | Establishment of New Sea Angling Club in North Sligo (Maugherow Sea Angling Club) | 4000 |
Silver Anglers Kilcormac | Offaly | Silver Anglers Future Fishing Development Project | 4250 |
Munster Provisional Council of the Irish Federation of Sea Anglers | Cork | Munster Juvenile Boat Angling | 4992 |
Inagh River Catchment Management Association | Clare | Inagh River Youth Angling Initiative | 3140 |
Mullingar Tidy Towns | Westmeath | Fishing for all Mullingar | 3830 |
Coomhola National School | Cork | Angling: A Sense of Place | 2300 |
For media information:
Sadhbh O’Neill
Communications Assistant
Inland Fisheries Ireland
T: 01 8842632/ 087 101 9998
About Inland Fisheries Ireland
Inland Fisheries Ireland is a statutory body operating under the aegis of the Department of Environment, Climate and Communication (DECC) and was established under the Fisheries Act on 1st July 2010. Its principal function is the protection and conservation of the inland fisheries resource. Inland Fisheries Ireland promotes supports, facilitates and advises the Minister on the conservation, protection, management, development and improvement of inland fisheries, including sea angling. Inland Fisheries Ireland also develops policy and national strategies relating to inland fisheries and sea angling and advises the Minister on same.