Research theme: Biosecurity
Invasive species cost our economy millions each year are among the greatest threat to our inland fisheries. Protecting and enhancing Ireland’s inland fisheries requires staff to conduct research in or near many of our watercourses. It is vitally important that such work does not itself pose a threat the species or their habitats. By using simple biosecurity measures, Inland Fisheries Ireland staff aim to reduce the spread of harmful invasive species.
Help stop the spread of invasive species!
The spread of invasive species can be minimised by promoting good environmentally sensitive recreational behaviour and sound aquatic gardening practices. Be aware of invasive species and keep up to date with the latest information, especially if you are a regular water user.

All boating equipment, angling equipment, protective clothing and footwear must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to ensure that no cross-contamination with invasive species or pathogens occurs. Inland Fisheries Ireland appreciates the cooperation and goodwill of stakeholders and the public in adhering to biosecurity measures as they are essential if we are to effectively halt the spread of harmful pathogens and invasive species.

INSPECT & CHECK: Check boats & equipment. This includes clothing, footwear, tyres, boat trailers etc. for living plants and animals. Don’t forget to check nets, ropes, chains and other places where hitchhikers might attach!

REMOVE & CLEAN: Remove plants and animals from your equipment and wash it thoroughly. Leave any plants and animals in the water where you found them. Do not drop them off elsewhere because they might carry diseases!

DRY: Allow equipment to dry thoroughly for 48 hours before using it again in a new waterbody.
We have a number of biosecurity guides available:
More information can also be found at Invasives.ie.